* PHP-Script:
* Example for hn_parseplaylist.class.php
* Parses Playlists of type 'extended m3u' and 'pls version 2'
* and converts between that types (and also 'simple m3u')
* For latest version of classfile go to:
* - http://hn273.users.phpclasses.org/browse/author/45770.html
* and select the desired classpage, or go directly to:
* - http://hn273.users.phpclasses.org/browse/package/2048.html
* @Author: Horst Nogajski <horst@nogajski.de>
* @Copyright: (c) 1999 - 2005
* @Licence: GNU GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.html)
* @Version: 1.0
* $Id: hn_parseplaylist.example1.php,v 1.3 2005/01/05 22:08:21 horst Exp $
* Tabsize: 4
// please, ensure that we can include the class-file:
// ensure that the example-playlistfile exists and is_readable
$samplefile = 'hn_sampleplaylist.m3u';
die('Cannot find hn_sampleplaylist.m3u!');
// ensure that we have read- and write-access to the current directory
$testfilename = 'ichbineinetestdatei.txt';
die('Have no write-access to ' . dirname(__FILE__));
if(file_exists($testfilename) && !unlink($testfilename))
die('Have no write-access to ' . dirname(__FILE__));
// little function to display infos with respect to environment (web or commandline)
function msg($s)
echo isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? str_replace(array(' ',"\n"),array(' ',"<br>\n"),$s) : $s;
// OK! Here we go:
msg("\nPHP-Class hn_ParsePlaylist :: examplefile\n");
msg("\nOK! Here we go:\n");
$ppl =& new hn_ParsePlaylist();
// parse file
msg("\n - parse sample-playlist-file");
// No success, serve infos and end!
msg("\nFAILURE: Cannot successful parse Playlistfile!\n");
// success, serve infos
// sort internal list
msg("\n - sort internal list by type, title");
// save all tracks as pls
msg("\n - save all tracks as pls");
// save only radio-streams as simple m3u
msg("\n - save only radio-streams as simple m3u");
// save only files as extended m3u
msg("\n - save only files as extended m3u");
// OK! Open the new playlistfiles in editor of your choice and look!
$result1 = "\n\nOK!\nOpen the new playlistfiles in editor of your choice and look!";
$result2 = " - <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"all_tracks.pls\">all_tracks.pls</a>\n";
$result2 .= " - <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"radio_streams.m3u\">radio_streams.m3u</a>\n";
$result2 .= " - <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"only_files.m3u\">only_files.m3u</a>\n";
echo nl2br($result1);
echo nl2br("\nor open them directly:\n");
echo nl2br($result2);
echo nl2br("\n - <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$samplefile\">and our samplefile, where we started from!</a>\n");