PHP Classes
PHP Classes

Classes of Horst Nogajski

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Name: Horst Nogajski <contact>
Classes: 7
Country: Germany Germany
Age: 46
All time rank: 495 in Germany Germany
Week rank: 1005 Down41 in Germany Germany Down
All time users: 25511
Week users: 0
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x
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  Files folder image HN CAPTCHA  
Generate a form or formpart with a CAPTCHA picture

  Files folder image HN Parse Playlist  
Parse and regenerate playlists in several format

  Files folder image HN Shoutcast  
Retrieve status information of a Shoutcast server

  Files folder image HN URL Rewrite  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2004
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Emulate request URL rewriting and redirection

  Files folder image hnwb_ListView for WinBinder  
Extend the WinBinder ListView control

  Files folder image HN_htusers  
Manage Apache user and group authentication files

  Files folder image Winamp Shell ProXy  
Control server side WinampPlayer via shell

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