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File: list_of_tags.txt

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File: list_of_tags.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: help file
Class: html.class.php
Generate HTML document tags programatically
Author: By
Last change: adding some usefull help
Date: 2005-08-04 02:33
Size: 17,261 bytes


Class file image Download
Help page to write
HTML tags
with PHP

For a better understanding you
can download this helper

By Tristan Carron
Html.class.php V1.6

PHP A($url, $txtLinks) 
// The <A HREF tag is used to link pages together
// It must contain both parameteres

PHP Abbr($text, $class) 
// The abbreviation tag defines an abbreviation.
// It is typically displayed just like normal text,
// but is used by automatic indexers

PHP Acronym($text, $class) 
// The acronym tag defines an acronym. It is
// typically displayed just like normal text, but
// is used by automatic indexers

PHP Address($text, $class) 
// The address tag defines text that gives an address 
// information. It is typically displayed in italics,
// slightly indented, and is used by automatic indexers

PHP Anchor($url, $text, $class) 
// The anchor tag defines a link or an anchor in a document.
// The anchor tag must contain either a NAME
// attribute or an HREF attribute, or both.

PHP Applet($code, $name, $codeBase, $width, $height, $alt, array $param, array $paramData, $class) 
// The Java applet tag runs a Java applet referred to by a URL.
// applet-content consists of optional PARAM tags, ordinary text 
// and markup to be displayed by browsers that cannot run Java 
// applets, and a TEXTFLOW tag if no ordinary text and markup is 
// included WARNING does not work with all the browser...

PHP Au($text, $class) 
// The au tag defines text that names the author
// of a document. It is typically displayed just like
// normal text, but is used by automatic indexers

PHP Author($text, $class) 
// The author tag defines text that names the author
// of a document. It is typically displayed just like
// normal text, but is used by automatic indexers

PHP Base($url, $target) 
// The base tag, which is valid only in the HEAD section,
// defines the base address of an HTML document, which is used
// to determine the full address of relative URL"s that appear
// in the document. The typical use for this is to move an HTML
// document to another site without moving all the images and
// related documents with it: the base URL can be set to the 
// directory where those images and documents remain. The      
// “default target” will become
// the target for all links unless specified explicitly
// the different target are : _parent, _top, _self, _blank

PHP BaseFont($face, $color, $size) 
// The base font tag defines the base that
// relative FONT changes are based on. (Default is 3.)
// WARNING this tag as to be put in the head section

PHP Bdo($text, $direction, $lang, $class) 
// function to invert a texte with the prams.
// rtl : right to left
// ltr : left to right

PHP BgSound($url, $loop) 
// The background sound tag identifies a .wav, .au, or .mid
// resource that will be played when the page is opened.
// The optional LOOP attribute will cause the resource to
// be played n times. LOOP="INFINITE" will cause the resource
// to be played continuously as long as the page is open
// WARNING works only with Internet Explorer

PHP Big($text, $class) 
// The big text tag defines text that should
// be displayed in a larger font than usual

PHP Blink($text, $class) 
// The blink tag highlights the text
// by having it blink on and off

PHP BlockQuote($text, $class) 
// The <blockquote> tag is supposed to contain
// only block-level elements within it, and not
// just plain text.

PHP Body() 
// The body tag introduces the body of the document.
// It should appear after the head section and
// occupy the remainder of the document

PHP BodyEnd() 
// the function to close the <BODY> tag

PHP Bold($text)  
// to put the text in bold 

PHP Br() 
// to do a line return

PHP Button($text, $type, $name, $value, $action, $nameAction, $disabled, $class) 
// Defines a push button. Inside a button
// element you can put content, like text or images.
// This is the difference between this element
// and buttons created with the input element.
// the type can be : submit, reset, button

PHP Caption($text, $class) 
// This element defines a table caption.
// The <caption> tag must be inserted immediately after
// the <table> tag. You can specify only one caption per
// table. Usually the caption will be centered above the table.

PHP Center($text, $class) 
// The center tag defines text that should be centered

PHP Cite($text, $class) 
// The citation tag defines text that cites a
// book or other work -- most browsers will
// display it in italics

PHP Code($text, $class)  
// The code tag defines text that should be
// shown in a fixed width font. It can be nested 
// with other idiomatic or typographic tags but some
// browsers will respect only the innermost tag. Many
// browsers use the same font for the KBD, SAMP, TT and CODE
// tags. For many lines of fixed width text, with the line     
// breaks and other whitespace specified by the page author, use 
// the PRE tag

PHP ColGroup($span, array $width) 
// Defines the attribute values for one or more
// columns in a table. You can only use this element
// inside a colgroup. Use this element when you want
// to specify different attribute values to a column
// inside a colgroup. Without a col element a column
// will inherit all its attribute values from the
// column group.

PHP Comment($text) 
// The comment tag includes the actual comment text

PHP Dd($text) 
// The <dd> tag defines the description of a
// term in a definition list.

PHP Del($text, $class) 
// The deleted text tag marks text that has been
// deleted, for example in a group authoring situation
// or a legal document
The deleted text tag marks text that has been deleted, for example in a group authoring situation or a legal document

PHP Dfn($text, $class) 
// The definition tag defines text that defines a
// term -- many browsers will display it in italics,
// though others will ignore it. It can be nested with
// other idiomatic or typographic tags but some browsers
// will respect only the innermost tag

PHP Div($align) 
// function to open a div tag to align or put classes

PHP DivEnd() 
// function to close the div tag

PHP DlEnd() 
// The </dl> tag defines the end of a definition list.

PHP DlStart($compact) 
// The <dl> tag defines a definition list.

PHP Dt($text) 
// The <dt> tag defines the start of
// a term in a definition list.

PHP Embed($url, $width, $height, $loop, $play, $quality, $scale) 
// The embed element is used to embed a
// plugin into a document. The OBJECT tag
// can also be used to embed objects
// the loop  arameter will be false if anything is set
// the play  arameter will be false if anything is set
// the different quality are : Low, Auto Low, Auto High, High
// scale  arameter are : Default(show all), No border, Exact fit

PHP FieldSetEnd() 
// The fieldSetEnd() close the fieldset tag

PHP FieldSetStart($class) 
// The fieldset element draws a box
// around its containing elements.

PHP Font($text, $face, $color, $size) 
// The font tag defines text with a smaller or larger
// font than usual. The normal font size corresponds to 3;
// smaller values of number will produce a smaller font,
// and larger values of number will produce a larger font
// the  ypescrip fonts are : Times, Arial, Courier, Verdana,    
// Geneva and Georgia

PHP Form($action, $method) 
// The form tag introduces a form, which is made up
// of INPUT elements, described in the sections that follow.
// A form may be inside HTML tags and may also contain
// structural tags. Using tables and other elements a form
// can take on various shapes and look

PHP FormEnd() 
// to close the tag form

PHP Frame($url, $name, $noresize, $scrolling, $frameborder, $longdesc, $marginheight, $marginwidth) 
// the frame tag to define the page to load
// the scrolling tag must by : ‘YES’, ‘NO’, ‘AUTO’

PHP FrameSetCols(array $cols) 
// the framesetCols tag define a new set of frame sort by cols

PHP FrameSetEnd() 
// the tag to close the frameset

PHP FrameSetRows(array $rows) 
// the framesetrows tag define a new set of frame sort by rows


PHP H($text, $size) 
// The heading tag defines a level heading.
// It is typically shown in a very large bold
// font with several blank lines around it

PHP Head($title, $typeScript, $script) 
// The head tag introduces text that describes
// an HTML document. Most documents have only a
// TITLE tag in the head section
// you can add a script too example : JavaScript

PHP HeadEnd() 
// the function to close the <HEAD> tag

PHP Hr($align, $width, $size, $shade, $color, $class) 
// The horizontal rule tag causes a horizontal
// line to be drawn across the screen. There is no </HR> tag

PHP HtmlEnd() 
// the </HTML> tag should be the last of the entire document

PHP HtmlStart() 
// The HTML tag defines an HTML document.
// The <HTML> tag should be the first in the entire
// document

PHP I($text) 
// The italic tag defines text that should be shown in italics

PHP Iframe($url, $align, $frameborder, $width, $height, $longdesc, $marginheight, $marginwidth, $name, $scroll) 
// define the Frame and frameset tag
// to create multiple pages
// the scrolling  param must 'YES', 'NO', 'AUTO'

PHP Image($url, $width, $height, $border, $alt, $map, $class) 

// The inline image tag displays an image referred
// to by a URL. It must contain at least an SRC attribute.

PHP Input($type, $name, $value, $size, $maxLength, $checked, $alt, $id, $class) 
// the input tag must be between to form tags and it must
// contain the type, text, password, checkbox, radio
// submit, reset, file, hidden, image or button

PHP Ins($text, $class) 
// The inserted text tag marks text that
// has been inserted, for example in a group
// authoring situation or a legal document

PHP Kbd($text, $class) 
// The keyboard tag defines text that should be shown
// in a fixed width font. It can be nested with other
// idiomatic or typographic tags but some browsers will
// respect only the innermost tag

PHP Label($text, $for, $class)
// Defines a label to a control.
// If you click the text within the
// label element,  it is supposed to toggle
// the control.

PHP Legend($text, $align, $class) 
// The legend element defines a caption for a fieldset.
// pram align = center, left, right

PHP Map($name, $shape, $coords, $url, $alt, $title, $target, $class) 
// The map tag defines a client side image map
// It gives a name to a collection of AREA tags
// that are superimposed over an inline image
// to connect user clicks with URLs
// the different shape for the area are : rect, circle, poly
// and the target are : _self, _blank, _parent, _top

PHP Meta($author, array $keywords, $descr, $lang, $robots, $reply) 
// The meta tag, which is only valid in a HEAD section,
// declares HTTP meta name/value pairs that are associated
// with the HTML document. These are used to extend the
// HTTP header information returned by the HTTP server.
// The support of the meta information is HTTP server specific.
// If a name attribute is not specified the HTTP-EQUIV attribute
// is used as the name. This tag can also be used
// to trigger client side behaviour

PHP NoBr($text, $class) 
// The no break tag defines a block of text
// which will have no line breaks except
// those explicitly requested with BR or suggested with WOBR

PHP NoFrame() 
// The NOFRAMES tag specifies HTML that can be
// used by browsers that do not support
// frames. Everything between the start and
// end tag is ignored by browsers that understand frames
// should be put before the <body> tag

PHP NoFrameEnd() 
// function to close the <NOFRAME> tag
// should be put after the closed </body> tag

PHP NoScript($text)
// The noscript element is used to define
// an alternate content (text) if a script is NOT executed.
// This tag is used for browsers that recognizes the <script>
// tag, but does not support the script in it.

PHP Ol($type, array $text, $start, $value, $class) 
// The ordered list tag introduces an ordered (numbered)
// list, which is made up of List Item (LI) tags
// the type of bullets are 1, a, i, A, I

PHP P($text, $class) 
// The <p> tag defines a paragraph.

PHP Pre($text, $width, $class) 
// The pre element defines preformatted text. The text enclosed
// in the pre element usually preserves spaces and
// line breaks. The text renders in a fixed-pitch font.

PHP Q($text, $class) 
// The <q> tag defines the start of a short quotation.

PHP S($text, $class) 
// The strikethrough tag defines text that
// should be shown with a horizontal line through it

PHP Samp($text, $class) 
// Defines sample computer code

PHP Script($text, $type) 
// Defines a script, such as a JavaScript.

PHP Select(array $text, $name, $selected, $size, $id, $class) 
// The select tag specifies a multiple line selection
// box field within the form that contains it. User can select
// one or more lines if the attribute MULTIPLE is specified.
// The NAME attribute is a required and is used to identify the
// data for the field. The SIZE attribute specifies the number
// of lines of selections that are to be displayed

PHP Small($text, $class) 
// The small text tag defines text that should
// be displayed in a smaller font than usual

PHP Sp($nbr)  // These escape sequences are used to
// enter characters such as <, >, &, and “ into HTML documents

PHP Span($text, $style, $class) 
// The <span> tag is used to group inline-elements in a 
// document. one way to put color in document : 
// style="color:#FF0000"

PHP Strike($text, $class) 
// The strikethrough tag defines text that
// should be shown with a horizontal line through it

PHP Strong($text, $class) 
// The strong tag defines text that should be
// strongly emphasized most browsers will display it in boldface

PHP Style($url) 

PHP Sub($text, $class) 
// The subscript tag defines text that should be
// displayed in a smaller font than usual, lower
// on the line than usual

PHP Sup($text, $class) 
// The superscript tag defines text that should
// be displayed in a smaller font than usual
// higher on the line than usual

PHP TblCell($contenu, $width, $height, $bg, $align, $nbLig, $nbCol, $class) 
// TblCell : easy to use to insert a new cell, open and close it

PHP TblEnd() 
// TblEnd    : end of the table, we close the tag

PHP TblEndCell() 
// TblEndCell : end of the cell, we close the tag </TD>

PHP TblEndLine() 
// TblEndLine : end of the line, we close the tag </TR>

PHP TblEntete($content, $bg, $nbLig, $nbCol) 
// TblEntete : it is made to set up the title of the table

PHP TblStart($bordure, $width, $height, $espCell, $rempCell, $bordercolor, $class) 
// TblsStart : start of the table, we open the tag

PHP TblStartCell($width, $height, $bg, $align, $nbLig, $nbCol, $class) 
// TblStartCell : start a new cell with the tag <TD>

PHP TblStartLine($align, $bg, $class) 
// TblStartLine : start of a new line with the <TR>

PHP TextArea($text, $name, $cols, $rows, $wrap, $class) 
// The text area tag specifies a multiple line text area
// field within the form that contains it. The NAME attrib. is a
// required field and is used to identify data for the field.
// The COLS attribute specifies the width of the text area.
// The ROWS attribute specifies the number of lines.
// The content is used as an initial value for the field.
// The field can be scrolled beyond the COLS and ROWS size to 
// allow for larger amounts of
// text to be entered. The wrap attribute can have values of 

PHP Tt($text, $class) 
// The teletype tag defines text that should be
// shown in a fixed width font

PHP U($text, integer $class) 
// The underlined tag defines text that
// should be shown with a line underneath it

PHP Ul($type, array $text, $value, $class) 
// The unordered list tag introduces an unordered
// (bulleted) list, which is made up of List Item (LI) tags

PHP V($text, $class) 
// Defines a variable