Class: trafficjam
Version: 0.1 bets 10/14/2015
Copyright 2015 Wagon Trader, All Rights Reserved
This class will block unwanted bots and traffic based on speed the page is being accessed.
Configure whitelist of bots allowed which will not be throttled.
Specify length of time an ip will be blocked
Provide friendly notifications in the event a human gets blocked
trafficjam.class.php - Main class
example.php - Simple application example
jam_100.php - Display notification for access violation
jam_200.php - Display notification for unwanted bot
/history - folder to hold ip history files
Upload files to a web accessible location on your server (eg. public_html)
/history folder needs read and write access (666) or (777) on linux servers
You can change the following settings in the class to meet your specific needs...
$humanSpeed - Number of accesses per second a human would access the site. The lower the number, the more
likely the ip will be jammed.
$jamTime - Time in seconds that an ip will be jammed.
$fileFolder - Name of folder that holds history data. For security purposes, you can change the folder name
and set this value to the correct folder.
$dataDelim - delimiter used in history files. A complex delimiter avoids the need to manage commas, tabs, etc...
$fileExt = extension history file to use. tjm is the default, so files will be named [ip_number].tjm
Refer to example.php file for usage example.
Refer to trafficjam.class.php file for instructions on using methods
0.1 beta
Initial beta release