* test_forwarding_message.php
* @(#) $Header: /opt2/ena/metal/mimemessage/test_forwarding_message.php,v 1.1 2004/06/24 06:34:11 mlemos Exp $
* Trying to guess your e-mail address.
* It is better that you change this line to your address explicitly.
* $from_address="me@mydomain.com";
* $from_name="My Name";
* Change these lines or else you will be mailing the class author.
$to_name="Manuel Lemos";
$subject="[Fwd: Testing Manuel Lemos' MIME E-mail composing and sending PHP class for sending messages that include forwarded messages]";
$email_message=new email_message_class;
* Set the Return-Path header to define the envelope sender address to
* which bounced messages are delivered.
* If you are using Windows, you need to use the smtp_message_class to set
* the return-path address.
&& strcmp(substr(PHP_OS,0,3),"WIN"))
* A message with attached files usually has a text message part
* followed by one or more attached file parts.
$text_message="Hello ".strtok($to_name," ")."\n\nThis message forwarding another message that is encapsulated as attachment.\n\nThank you,\n$from_name";
* If you have the message to be forwarded already stored in a string,
* you can specify it like this.
* "Data"=>"From: mlemos@acm.org\r\n\r\nThis is just a plain text message .",
* If it is stored in a file, you can specify its local file name.
* The Name is what the recipient as name of the message file part.
"Name"=>"[Fwd: Testing Manuel Lemos' MIME E-mail composing and sending PHP class: HTML message]"
* The message is now ready to be assembled and sent.
* Notice that most of the functions used before this point may fail due
* to programming errors in your script. You may safely ignore any errors
* until the message is sent to not bloat your scripts with too much error
* checking.
echo "Error: $error\n";
echo "Message sent to $to_name\n";