// to use make sure script is in location allowed by open_basedir and
// use command "php pulldata.php %username%"
// where username is set to the twitter user name
// get the username form the commandline paramters
$username = $argv[1];
// create a new instance of the TwitterFeedAPI class
$twitterAPI = new TwitterFeedAPI();
// pass the required username to the instance of TwitterFeedAPI
// create the start task to open the output file
$startTaskId = $twitterAPI->setStartTaskFunction(function(){
$GLOBALS['fileHandle'] = fopen($username."txt", 'w');
// create the end task to close the output file
$endTaskId = $twitterAPI->setEndTaskFunction(function(){
// create the task to use the output file and write the tweet to it
$eachTweetID = $twitterAPI->setEachTweetFunction(function($tweet){
fwrite($GLOBALS['fileHandle'], $tweet->text."\r\n\r\n");
// tell the API to download the API responce
// this can be rapped in error checking as it can throw TwitterConnectionFailedException
// tell the API to begin the parser
// this can be rapped in error checking as it can throw TwitterErrorException
// unset the functions