use \Luminova\Routing\Router;
* This file handles all URI that start with `api` (e.g, https://example.com/api)
* The following global variables are available in the current file:
* @var \Luminova\Routing\Router $router The routing instance.
* @var \App\Application $app The application instance that provides access to the overall application context.
* @var string $context The name of the current routing context (this file's context).
$router->any('/', 'RestController::index');
$router->bind('/v1/posts', function(Router $router) {
$router->middleware(Router::ANY_METHODS, '/(:root)', 'RestController::auth');
// CRUD routes for posts
$router->get('/', 'RestController::list'); // Retrieve all posts
$router->get('/(:int)', 'RestController::read'); // Retrieve a specific post by ID
$router->post('/create', 'RestController::create'); // Create a new post
$router->put('/update/(:int)/(:int)', 'RestController::update'); // Update an existing post
$router->delete('/delete/(:int)/(:int)', 'RestController::delete'); // Delete a post by ID