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File: resources/Views/system_errors/errors.php

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  Classes of Ujah Chigozie peter   Luminova REST API Example   resources/Views/system_errors/errors.php   Download  
File: resources/Views/system_errors/errors.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Luminova REST API Example
Implements an example of a REST API
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 17 days ago
Size: 3,558 bytes


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= explode(PHP_EOL, $stack->getMessage());
$messages = explode(' called in ', $stack->getMessage());
$message = $stack->getFilteredMessage();
$searchable = urlencode($message . ' PHP Luminova Framework');
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    <title>Error Occurred - <?= htmlspecialchars($stack->getName(), ENT_QUOTES); ?></title>
    <style><?= preg_replace('#[\r\n\t ]+#', ' ', file_get_contents(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'debug.css')) ?></style>
    <script>function toggle(id){ event.preventDefault(); var element=document.getElementById(id); if ("none"){"block";} else{"none";}} </script>
<body id="e_all">
    <div class="container text-center main-container">
        <h1 class="headline"><?= htmlspecialchars($stack->getName(), ENT_QUOTES); ?> #<?= $stack->getCode(); ?></h1>
        <?php if (defined('PRODUCTION') && !PRODUCTION): ?>
<div class="error-details">
                <h2>Error Details:</h2>
                <p class="entry"><?= htmlspecialchars($message, ENT_QUOTES); ?>. Thrown in: <?= htmlspecialchars(filter_paths($stack->getFile()), ENT_QUOTES); ?>, Line: <?= $stack->getLine(); ?></p>
                <?php if(isset($lines[2]) || isset($messages[1])): ?>
<p class="entry text-warning">Caller: <?= htmlspecialchars($lines[2] ?? $messages[1] ?? '', ENT_QUOTES); ?></p>
                <?php endif;?>
<button class="button" type="button" onclick="return toggle('stack-tracer');">Stack tracer &#128269;</button>
                <a class="button" href="<?= $searchable; ?>" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Search Online &rarr;</a>
                <a class="button" href="<?= $searchable;?>" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Search Forum &#128270;</a>
                <a class="button" href="<?= $searchable;?>" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Open Issue &#128030;</a>
                <div id="stack-tracer" style="display:none;">
__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tracer.php';
onErrorShowDebugTracer($stack->getBacktrace(), array_slice($lines, 3));
        <?php else: ?>
<h2>Origin is unreachable</h2>
            <p class="entry" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">An error is preventing website from loading properly.</p>
            <p class="entry" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">If you are the owner of this website, please check the error log for more information.</p>
        <?php endif; ?>
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        <div class="container">
                Displayed at <?= date('H:i:sA'); ?> &mdash;
                PHP: <?= PHP_VERSION; ?> &mdash;
                Luminova: <?= defined('\Luminova\Application\Foundation::VERSION') ? \Luminova\Application\Foundation::VERSION : '1.0.0'; ?> &mdash;
                Environment: <?= defined('ENVIRONMENT') ? ENVIRONMENT : 'Unknown'; ?>