<?php /* * read_arguments.php * * @(#) $Id: test_read_arguments.php,v 1.1 2010/09/30 07:57:44 mlemos Exp $ * */
/* * Create an object to read the arguments */ $arguments = new read_arguments_class;
/* * Define an option to show the command usage help */ $arguments->AddOption(array( 'Name'=>'help', 'Type'=>'usage', 'Description'=>'usage help', 'Keyword'=>'-h', 'Aliases'=>array('--help') ));
/* * Define a switch option to turn on a value */ $arguments->AddOption(array( 'Name'=>'debug', 'Type'=>'switch', 'Description'=>'output debug information', 'Keyword'=>'-d', 'Aliases'=>array('--debug') ));
/* * Define an optional option that requires a value after the switch keyword */ $arguments->AddOption(array( 'Name'=>'email', 'Type'=>'text', 'Description'=>'change account e-mail address', 'KeywordRequired'=>true, 'Keyword'=>'-e', 'Aliases'=>array('--change-email') ));
/* * Define a mandatory option that requires a value after the switch keyword */ $arguments->AddOption(array( 'Name'=>'account', 'Description'=>'nickname or e-mail of the account user', 'Type'=>'text', 'Required'=>1 ));
if(!$arguments->ProcessArguments($_SERVER['argv'], $values)) { echo 'Error: ', $arguments->error, "\n"; echo 'Usage: '.$arguments->Usage($_SERVER['argv'][0]); } elseif(IsSet($values['help'])) { echo 'Usage: '.$arguments->Usage($_SERVER['argv'][0]); } else { if(IsSet($values['debug'])) echo 'Debug output is on', "\n"; echo 'The account is ', $values['account'], "\n"; if(IsSet($values['email'])) echo 'The account e-mail address was changed to ', $values['email'], "\n"; } ?>