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File: test_smtp_message.php

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  Classes of Manuel Lemos   MIME E-mail message sending   test_smtp_message.php   Download  
File: test_smtp_message.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Script to test the smtp_message class
Class: MIME E-mail message sending
PHP mailer to compose and send MIME messages
Author: By
Last change: Added support to connect to SMTP servers via HTTP or SOCKS proxies.
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 5,125 bytes


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 * test_smtp_message.php
 * @(#) $Header: /opt2/ena/metal/mimemessage/test_smtp_message.php,v 1.15 2011/03/09 07:48:52 mlemos Exp $

/* Uncomment when using SASL authentication mechanisms */

$from_address=""; $sender_line=__LINE__;
$to_name="Manuel Lemos";
$to_address=""; $recipient_line=__LINE__;
$subject="Testing Manuel Lemos' Email SMTP sending PHP class";
$message="Hello ".strtok($to_name," ").",\n\nThis message is just to let you know that your SMTP e-mail sending class is working as expected.\n\nThank you,\n$from_name";

"Please set the messages sender address in line ".$sender_line." of the script ".basename(__FILE__)."\n");
"Please set the messages recipient address in line ".$recipient_line." of the script ".basename(__FILE__)."\n");

$email_message=new smtp_message_class;

/* This computer address */

/* SMTP server address, probably your ISP address,
     * or for Gmail
     * or for Hotmail */

/* SMTP server port, usually 25 but can be 465 for Gmail */

/* Use SSL to connect to the SMTP server. Gmail requires SSL */

/* Use TLS after connecting to the SMTP server. Hotmail requires TLS */

/* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an HTTP proxy */
/* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an HTTP proxy */

/* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */
$email_message->smtp_socks_host_name = '';
/* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */
$email_message->smtp_socks_host_port = 1080;
/* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */
$email_message->smtp_socks_version = '5';

/* Deliver directly to the recipients destination SMTP server */

/* In directly deliver mode, the DNS may return the IP of a sub-domain of
     * the default domain for domains that do not exist. If that is your
     * case, set this variable with that sub-domain address. */

/* If you use the direct delivery mode and the GetMXRR is not functional,
     * you need to use a replacement function. */

    /* authentication user name */

/* authentication password */

/* if you need POP3 authetntication before SMTP delivery,
     * specify the host name here. The smtp_user and smtp_password above
     * should set to the POP3 user and password*/

/* authentication realm or Windows domain when using NTLM authentication */

/* authentication workstation name when using NTLM authentication */

/* force the use of a specific authentication mechanism */

/* Output dialog with SMTP server */

/* if smtp_debug is 1,
     * set this to 1 to make the debug output appear in HTML */

/* If you use the SetBulkMail function to send messages to many users,
     * change this value if your SMTP server does not accept sending
     * so many messages within the same SMTP connection */

"Invalid recipient: ",Key($email_message->invalid_recipients)," Error: ",$email_message->invalid_recipients[Key($email_message->invalid_recipients)],"\n";
"Error: $error\n";