settings.php - settings
This software created by Ákos Nikházy
//based on this it selects language from the lang folder. You should name lang files the same. You write "en" here the file should be "en.php"
$lang = 'en';
// $lang = 'en';
// $lang = 'pl'; //not existent just an example. Create a lang/pl.php file based on the others to have more languages.
//it will read the email list from this folder
$listFolder = 'lists';
//this file contains the email addresses to test (just filename.extension)
$fileName = 'email-list-test.txt';
//password protect the app?
$passwordProtection = true;
// $passwordProtection = false;
//store the password hash here. It should be a sha256 has salted like this (not actual function): sha256($passwordSalt . "password").
//Otherwise change the passwordSalt() function's code to fit your idea about salting
$passwordFile = 'ps.txt';
//salt for password. Change this if you want to hash a new password
$passwordSalt = 'This Is The Salt Do Not Change This Only If You Want New Password';
//the session id. Never the same as other applications on the server
$sessionID = 'hibp-check-up';