PHP Classes

Classes of Ákos Nikházy

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Picture of Ákos Nikházy
Name: Ákos Nikházy <contact>
Classes: 10
Country: Hungary Hungary
Age: 36
All time rank: 4763 in Hungary Hungary
Week rank: 78 Up1 in Hungary Hungary Up
All time users: 6019
Week users: 1
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x
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  Files folder image Class  
Shorten an URL using the API

  Files folder image One Hash Salted Password  
Generate and check passwords using a salted hash

  Files folder image PHP Compare Images Similarity  
Compare two images to find if they are similar

  Files folder image PHP Have I Been Pwned API...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2023
Number 5
Check if email addresses are in the HIBP database

  Files folder image Salt Password Class  
Generate random passwords with salt

  Files folder image Simple AD PHP LDAP Search...  
Search for people in Active Directory using LDAP

  Files folder image Simple PHP Password Hash Salt  
Generate password hashes with unique salt values

  Files folder image Simple PHP String Comparison  
Compare strings and return a similarity score

  Files folder image Simple Steganography  
Store and retrieve text messages hidden in images

  Files folder image Small Template Framework  
Output text replacing templates with parameters

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