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File: test_smtp.php

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  Classes of Manuel Lemos   SMTP E-mail sending class   test_smtp.php   Download  
File: test_smtp.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: SMTP class test script
Class: SMTP E-mail sending class
Sends e-mail messages via SMTP protocol
Author: By
Last change: Removed code that is no longer used because PHP already implements the
getmxrr function since at least PHP 5.
Date: 10 months ago
Size: 4,598 bytes


Class file image Download
 * test_smtp.php
 * @(#) $Header: /opt2/ena/metal/smtp/test_smtp.php,v 1.23 2024/02/07 12:39:21 mlemos Exp $


/* Uncomment when using SASL authentication mechanisms */

$from=""; /* Change this to your address like ""; */ $sender_line=__LINE__;
$to=""; /* Change this to your test recipient address */ $recipient_line=__LINE__;

"Please set the messages sender address in line ".$sender_line." of the script ".basename(__FILE__)."\n");
"Please set the messages recipient address in line ".$recipient_line." of the script ".basename(__FILE__)."\n");

$smtp=new smtp_class;

$smtp->host_name=""; /* Change this variable to the address of the SMTP server to relay, like "" */
$smtp->host_port=465; /* Change this variable to the port of the SMTP server to use, like 465 */
$smtp->ssl=1; /* Change this variable if the SMTP server requires an secure connection using SSL */

// $smtp->http_proxy_host_name=''; /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an HTTP proxy */
// $smtp->http_proxy_host_port=465; /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an HTTP proxy */

$smtp->socks_host_name = ''; /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */
$smtp->socks_host_port = 1080; /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */
$smtp->socks_version = '5'; /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */

$smtp->start_tls=0; /* Change this variable if the SMTP server requires security by starting TLS during the connection */
$smtp->cryptographic_method = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT; /* Change this variable if the SMTP server requires the use of a specific version of SSL or TLS when establishing secure connections */
$smtp->localhost="localhost"; /* Your computer address */
$smtp->direct_delivery=0; /* Set to 1 to deliver directly to the recepient SMTP server */
$smtp->timeout=10; /* Set to the number of seconds wait for a successful connection to the SMTP server */
$smtp->data_timeout=0; /* Set to the number seconds wait for sending or retrieving data from the SMTP server.
                                                                      Set to 0 to use the same defined in the timeout variable */
$smtp->debug=1; /* Set to 1 to output the communication with the SMTP server */
$smtp->html_debug=0; /* Set to 1 to format the debug output as HTML */
$smtp->pop3_auth_host=""; /* Set to the POP3 authentication host if your SMTP server requires prior POP3 authentication */
$smtp->user=""; /* Set to the user name if the server requires authetication */
$smtp->realm=""; /* Set to the authetication realm, usually the authentication user e-mail domain */
$smtp->password="passgooglemail"; /* Set to the authetication password */
$smtp->workstation=""; /* Workstation name for NTLM authentication */
$smtp->authentication_mechanism=""; /* Specify a SASL authentication method like LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, NTLM, etc..
                                                                      Leave it empty to make the class negotiate if necessary */

"From: $from",
"To: $to",
"Subject: Testing Manuel Lemos' SMTP class",
"Date: ".date("D, d M o H:i:s e")
"Hello $to,\n\nIt is just to let you know that your SMTP class is working just fine.\n\nBye.\n"))
"Message sent to $to OK.\n";
"Could not send the message to $to.\nError: ".$smtp->error."\n";