* @author Pierre-Henry Soria <ph7software@gmail.com>
* @copyright (c) 2014-2015, Pierre-Henry Soria. All Rights Reserved.
* @license See H2O.LICENSE.txt and H2O.COPYRIGHT.txt in the root directory.
* @link http://hizup.com
namespace H2O;
defined('H2O') or exit('Access denied');
/*** We define the URL if overwrite mode is enabled (to enable it. Htaccess must be present in the current directory) ***/
define( 'H2O_URL_SLUG', H2O_ROOT_URL . (!is_url_rewrite() ? '?a=' : '') );
$sNP = 'H2O\\';
$sCoreMod = 'main';
$sCoreCtrlName = 'core';
$sMod = Application::getModule();
$sCtrl = Application::getController();
$sAct = Application::getAction();
if (!Application::isInstalled() && $sMod !== 'install')
redirect('?m=install'); // First usage, let's go to the installer!
require H2O_SERVER_PATH . '/inc/mod_loader.inc.php';
$sFullModPath = H2O_SERVER_PATH . 'app/modules/' . $sMod . '/';
if (is_file($sFullModPath . 'controllers/' . $sCtrl . '.php'))
$sCtrl = $sNP . $sCtrl;
$oCtrl = new $sCtrl;
if (method_exists($oCtrl, $sAct))
if (is_file($sFullModPath . 'perms.inc.php'))
require $sFullModPath . 'perms.inc.php';
if (is_file($sFullModPath . 'bootstrap.inc.php'))
require $sFullModPath . 'bootstrap.inc.php';
call_user_func(array($oCtrl, $sAct));
Application::setModule($sCoreMod); // Set the Core module
Application::setController($sCoreCtrlName); // Set the Core controller
Application::setAction('error404'); // Set the "Not Found page" action
$sCoreCtrl = $sNP . Application::getController();
(new $sCoreCtrl)->error404();
Application::setModule($sCoreMod); // Set the Core module
Application::setController($sCoreCtrlName); // Set the Core controller
Application::setAction('error404'); // Set the "Not Found page" action
$sCoreCtrl = $sNP . Application::getController();
(new $sCoreCtrl)->error404();
catch (\Exception $oE)
echo '<p><b>Exception launched!</b><br /><br />' .
'Message: ' . $oE->getMessage() . '<br />' .
'File: ' . $oE->getFile() . '<br />' .
'Line: ' . $oE->getLine() . '<br />' .
'Trace: <p/><pre>' . $oE->getTraceAsString() . '</pre>';