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<title>Patternizer test</title>
<B>Patternizer test pattern</B><br>
A call to myclass::dosomething(), without parameters: <%myclass:dosomething%>
A call to myclass::dosomething2(), with 1 parameter: <%myclass:dosomething2:anything%>
A call to myclass::dosomething3(), with 2 parameters: <%myclass:dosomething3:anything1:anything2%>
A call to patternizer:patternize(), recursively includes another pattern: <%patternizer:patternize:pattern2.html%>
Forcing some errors:<br>
An empty tag: <%%><br>
A class without method tag: <%myclass%><br>
An unrecognyzed class: <%nonexistentclass:nonexistentmethod%><br>
An unrecognyzed method: <%myclass:nonexistendmethod%><br>
A class and method with too many number of parameters: <%myclass:dosomething:anything%><br>
A class and method with too less number of parameters: <%myclass:dosomething2%><br>
A class and method with too less number of parameters: <%myclass:dosomething3:anything%><br>
An attempt to in-pattern include a non-existent pattern: <%patternizer:patternize:nonexistentpattern.html%><br>