PHP Classes
PHP Classes

Classes of Outdated profile

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Name: Outdated profile <contact>
Classes: 10
Country: Senegal Senegal
Age: 26
All time rank: 961 in Senegal Senegal
Week rank: 1118 Down1 in Senegal Senegal Equal
All time users: 18142
Week users: 0
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  Files folder image actions_dispatcher  
A better, clean way to PHP scripting.

  Files folder image dbsource  
Class to easily access different databases

  Files folder image formbuilder  
Class for easy composing of complex forms

  Files folder image lorenphplib_patternizer  
Build PHP applications based on HTML pattern files

  Files folder image RSS HTMLizer  
Generate HTML pages from RSS feeds using templates

  Files folder image securepwd  
Checks wether a password is secure enough

  Files folder image Statizier  
Allow dinamic sites to be indexed by searchers

  Files folder image tablebuilder  
Class for easy composing complex html tables

  Files folder image Translate with Altavista...  
Translates text between idioms using Babelfish

  Files folder image What's Playing  
Shows in your webpage the song you are listening.

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