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  Classes of Alexey Dodonov   mezon PHP Configuration Options   Download  
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Class: mezon PHP Configuration Options
Manipulate configuration options store in arrays
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Date: 4 years ago
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Mezon has it's own config. It can be accesed with a set of functions, wich are described below.

Getting access to the key in config can be done with get_config_value( $Route , $DefaultValue = false ) function. It returns config value with route $Route and return $DefaultValue if this key was not found. For example:

$Value = get_config_value( 'res/images/favicon' , '' );

// or the same
$Value = get_config_value( array( 'res' , 'images' , 'favicon' ) , '' );

Setting values for the config key can be done by calling set_config_value( $Route , $Value ) or add_config_value( $Route , $Value ) function. The main difference between these two functions is that the first one sets scalar key, and the second one adds element to the array in config. Here is small example:

set_config_value( 'res/value' , 'Value!' );
var_dump( get_config_value( 'res/value' ) ); // displays 'Value!' string

add_config_value( 'res/value' , 'Value 1!' );
add_config_value( 'res/value' , 'Value 2!' );
var_dump( get_config_value( 'res/value' ) ); // displays array( [0] => 'Value 1!' , [1] => 'Value 2!' ) array

If you are not shure that the key exists, then you can check it:

set_config_value( 'res/value' , 'Value!' );

var_dump( config_key_exists( 'res' ) ); // true
var_dump( config_key_exists( 'res2' ) ); // false
var_dump( config_key_exists( 'res/value' ) ); // true

You can also able to delete config key

set_config_value( 'res/value' , 'Value!' );
delete_config_value( 'res/value' );
var_dump( config_key_exists( 'res/value' ) ); // false
var_dump( config_key_exists( 'res' ) ); // also false

That's all you need to know about config read/write.