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File: assets/js/app/ui.js

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  Classes of Ahmad Mustapha   Utility Web PHP API   assets/js/app/ui.js   Download  
File: assets/js/app/ui.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Utility Web PHP API
API to retrieve movie details and other resources
Author: By
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Date: 4 years ago
Size: 11,142 bytes


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window.APP = {}; /** * User interface helper * Core ui * Modal */ (function(ns){ let obj = ns.UI = {}; let animatedDotInterval = []; let buttonLoadings = {}; function faFactory(type, iconName, size) { size = size ? ' fa-'+size+'x' : ''; return '<i class="'+type+' fa-'+iconName+size+'"></i>'; } obj.fa = function(iconName, size) { return faFactory('fa', iconName, size); }; obj.fas = function(iconName, size) { return faFactory('fas', iconName, size); }; obj.alert = function(type, message, closeable = false) { let openTag = '<div class="alert alert-' + type + '" role="alert">'; let closeTag = '</div>'; if(closeable){ openTag = '<div class="alert alert-' + type + ' alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">'; closeTag = '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span> </button> </div>'; } return openTag + message + closeTag; }; obj.submitForm = function(form, options) { let button = form.querySelector('button[type="submit"]'); obj.waitButton(button, options); return obj; }; obj.waitButton = function(button, options) { if(typeof button == 'string'){ button = document.getElementById(button); } let willShow = true; if(options.required){ for(let i=0; i<options.required.length; i++){ if($(options.required[i]).val() === ''){ willShow = false; break; } } } if(willShow){ button.setAttribute('class', button.getAttribute('class') + ' disabled'); button.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); obj.animDots(button, options); } return obj; }; obj.showButtonLoader = function(button, text = '', faClass = '') { let $button = ns.UI.El.getJQ(button); //save current state let buttonId = $button.attr('id') if(buttonId){ buttonId = buttonId.replaceAll('-', ''); buttonLoadings[buttonId] = $button.html(); } $button.addClass('disabled') .html(obj.fa('spinner fa-pulse '+faClass) +' '+ text) .attr('disabled', 'disabled'); return obj; }; obj.hideButtonLoader = function(button, text) { let $button = ns.UI.El.getJQ(button); $button.removeClass('disabled') //get stored text, if any let oldText; if(! text){ let buttonId = $button.attr('id').replaceAll('-', ''); oldText = buttonLoadings[buttonId]; } $button.html(oldText || text); $button.removeAttr('disabled'); $button.find('.waves-ripple').remove(); return obj; }; obj.animDots = function (el, options) { let waitMsg = ''; if(typeof el == 'string'){ el = document.getElementById(el); } //if message is provided in second param instead of options if(typeof options == 'string'){ waitMsg = options; } let numberOfDots = options.dots || 3; let timeInterval = options.interval || 200; if(options.text !== false){ waitMsg = options.text || waitMsg; waitMsg = waitMsg || 'please wait'; } let dotClass = options.dotclass || 'text-warning'; let textClass = options.textclass || 'text-white'; //clear the element value if (el.hasChildNodes()) { el.innerHTML = null; } //Running animated dots let el_running = document.createElement("i"); = "running-animated-dots"; //Run the dots let dotsCount = 0; let dot = '<b class="'+dotClass+'">.</b>'; let text = '<i id="animated-dots-wait" class="'+textClass+'">' + waitMsg + '</i>'; el_running.innerHTML = text; //if we don't need waiting message if(options.text === false){ el_running.innerHTML += dot; //we will use dot as default value instead text = dot; } //Set the child elements el.appendChild(el_running); animatedDotInterval[] = setInterval(function () { if (dotsCount === numberOfDots) { dotsCount = -1; el_running.innerHTML = text; } else { el_running.innerHTML += dot; } dotsCount++; }, timeInterval); };//animatedDots obj.stopAnimDots = function (elementId) { clearInterval(animatedDotInterval[elementId]); document.getElementById(elementId).innerHTML = ''; }; })(window.APP); /** * Form */ (function(ns){ let obj = ns.Form = {}; let formLoadingButton = {}; let formLoadingButtonText = {}; obj.submit = ns.submitForm; obj.showLoader = function(form, text = 'Submitting') { if(typeof form == 'string'){ form = document.getElementById(form) } let button = form.querySelector('[type="submit"]'); //save state let formId ='-', ''); formLoadingButton[formId] = button; formLoadingButtonText[formId] = button.innerHTML; ns.showButtonLoader(button, text) return obj; }; obj.hideLoader = function(formId, text) { if(typeof form != 'string'){ formId = formId.getAttribute('id'); } formId = formId.replaceAll('-', ''); let button = formLoadingButton[formId]; let buttonText = formLoadingButtonText[formId]; ns.hideButtonLoader(button, buttonText); return obj; } })(window.APP.UI); /** * Modal */ (function(ns){ function Modal(id){ this.setId(id); } let proto = Modal.prototype; /** * Stores modal id * @let string */ proto.modalId = null; /** * Close button id * This id will be adjusted, * proto.modalId will added at its beginning * Example: 'general_header_close_button' * @let string */ proto.closeButtonIdentifier = '_header_close_button'; proto.closeButtonId = null; /** * Will indicate weather the respected attrs are hidden * @let Boolean */ proto.isHeaderHidden = false; proto.isFooterHidden = false; proto.isShown = false; proto.setId = function (mId) { //set modal id this.modalId = "#modal_" + mId; //set footer id this.closeButtonId = this.modalId + this.closeButtonIdentifier; //let modal handleUpdate $(this.modalId).modal('handleUpdate'); return this; }; proto.getId = function () { return this.modalId; }; proto.useGeneral = function() { return new Modal('general'); }; proto.on = function(onEvent, callback) { let obj = this; $(this.getId()).on(onEvent+'.bs.modal', function (e) { return callback(obj); }); return this; }; = function(onEvent, callback) { let obj = this; $(this.getId()).one(onEvent+'.bs.modal', function (e) { return callback(obj); }); return this; }; = function(onEvent) { $(this.getId()).off(onEvent+'.bs.modal'); return this; }; proto.decideId = function (mId) { if (! mId) { return this.modalId; } return mId; }; = function (modalId = '') { $(this.getId()).modal('show'); this.isShown = true; return this; }; proto.hide = function (modalId = '') { $(this.getId()).modal('hide'); return this; }; proto.close = function (modalId = '') { $(this.getId()).modal('dispose'); return this; }; proto.actOnHF = function(element, action) { switch(action){ case false: element.hide(); break; case true:; break; } return this; }; proto.showLoader = function(showHeaderAndFooter, willShowFooter) { showHeaderAndFooter = showHeaderAndFooter || false; if(! this.modalId){ this.useGeneral(); } //if we'll hide header and footer if(willShowFooter !== undefined){ this.footer(willShowFooter); if(showHeaderAndFooter){ this.header(showHeaderAndFooter); } }else{ this.header(showHeaderAndFooter).footer(showHeaderAndFooter); } this.setBody('<div class="text-center"><i class="m-3 fa fa-3x text-info fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i><br/>Loading...</div>');; return this; }; proto.hideLoader = function(willNotCloseModal) { this.header(true).footer(true); if(willNotCloseModal){ this.hide(); } return this; }; proto.closeButton = function(action) { if(action === true || action === undefined){ this.getCloseButton().show(); }else{ this.getCloseButton().hide(); } return this; }; proto.getHeaderCloseButton = function() { return $(this.closeButtonId); }; proto.header = function(actionOrHtml) { if(typeof actionOrHtml == 'boolean'){ this.isHeaderHidden = true; return this.actOnHF($(this.getId()).find('.modal-header'), actionOrHtml); } return this.setHeader(actionOrHtml); }; proto.body = function(html) { return this.setBody(html); }; proto.footer = function(actionOrHtml) { if(typeof actionOrHtml == 'boolean'){ this.isFooterHidden = true; return this.actOnHF($(this.getId()).find('.modal-footer'), actionOrHtml); } return this.setFooter(actionOrHtml); }; proto.setHeader = function (content) { $(this.getId()).find('.modal-title').html(content); return this; }; proto.setBody = function (content) { $(this.getId()).find('.modal-body').html(content); return this; }; proto.setFooter = function (content) { $(this.getId()).find('.modal-footer').html(content); return this; }; ns.UI.Modal = Modal; })(window.APP); (function(ns){ let obj = ns.UI.El = {}; obj.getJQ = function(element){ switch(typeof element){ case 'string': if(element.indexOf('#') > -1){ return $(element); } //we have to put # return $('#'+element); case 'object': if(element instanceof jQuery){ return element; } return $(element); } } })(window.APP);