msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-16 10:44+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-17 11:20+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: es\n"
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"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e\n"
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#: /admin/views/vswpp-settings.php:26
msgid "The statistics data was inserted in the form. Make the changes and then save the form"
msgstr "Los datos estadísticos se insertaron en el formulario. Realice los cambios y luego guarde el formulario"
#: /admin/views/vswpp-settings.php:29
msgid "Statistics Configurator"
msgstr "Configurador de la estadística"
#: /admin/views/vswpp-settings.php:37
msgid "Number of bars"
msgstr "Número de barras"
#: /admin/views/vswpp-settings.php:42
msgid "Height bars"
msgstr "Altura de la barras"
#: /admin/views/vswpp-settings.php:47
msgid "Percentage in bars"
msgstr "Porcentage de las barras"
#: /admin/views/vswpp-settings.php:52
msgid "Color of the bars"
msgstr "Colores de las barras"
#: /admin/views/vswpp-settings.php:55
msgid "Color of the text"
msgstr "Colores de los textos"
#: /admin/views/vswpp-settings.php:59
msgid "Text of the bars"
msgstr "Textos en las barras"
#: /admin/views/vswpp-settings.php:81
msgid "Saved Statistics"
msgstr "Guardar estadística"
#: /admin/views/vswpp-settings.php:82
msgid "Click Copy for the selected Statistic and paste it in the page where you want it to appear."
msgstr "Haga clic en Copiar para la estadística seleccionada y péguela en la página donde desea que aparezca."