* guaranixURL *
* The Author disclaims the copyright of this project *
* You are free to do use this project for free with *
* the only condition that do not forget that "Is better *
* Give than Receive" *
* Cesar Rodas <saddor@guaranix.com> *
* Guaranix URL, this class takes two arguments a Base and
* relative URL and mix it, and return a new URL.
class gURL
function newURI($base=false, $rel=false)
if ($base==false || $rel==false)
printf("Error in %s line %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__-3);
$pBase = parse_url($base);
$pRel = parse_url($rel);
if ( isset($pRel['scheme']) )
* The relative URL is not relative, so return it.
$ret = $rel;
$ret = $pBase['scheme']."://".$pBase['host'];
$ret .= isset($pBase['port']) && $pBase['port']!=80 ? ":".$pBase['port']."/" : "/";
if ($rel[0] == "/")
$ret .= substr($rel,1);
$tmp = $this->Folder2Array($pBase['path']);
$tmp1 = $this->Folder2Array($pRel['path'],false);
foreach($tmp1 as $id1 => $d1)
if ($d1 == "..") unset($tmp[count($tmp)-1]);
else if ($d1 == ".") continue;
else $tmp[] = $d1;
$ret .= implode("/",$tmp);
$ret .= substr($rel,-1,1) == "/" ? "/" : "";
$ret .= isset($pRel['query']) ? "?".$pRel['query'] : "";
unset($tmp,$tmp1); /* Release memory */
unset($pBase,$pRel);/* Release memory */
return $ret;
function Folder2Array($path,$onlyDir=true)
if ($path[0] == '/')
$ret = explode("/",$path);
if ( $onlyDir && substr(trim($path),-1,1) != "/")
* If onlyDir is true and the last letter isn't a /
* seems that is not a Dir! so, delete it!
unset( $ret[count($ret)-1] );
if ($ret[count($ret)-1]=="")
* If the last element of $ret is empty, delete it
return $ret;