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Webmozart Assert

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Latest release: 1.2.0

PHP >= 5.3.9

This library contains efficient assertions to test the input and output of your methods. With these assertions, you can greatly reduce the amount of coding needed to write a safe implementation.

All assertions in the [Assert] class throw an \InvalidArgumentException if they fail.


What's the difference to [beberlei/assert]?

This library is heavily inspired by Benjamin Eberlei's wonderful [assert package], but fixes a usability issue with error messages that can't be fixed there without breaking backwards compatibility.

This package features usable error messages by default. However, you can also easily write custom error messages:

Assert::string($path, 'The path is expected to be a string. Got: %s');

In [beberlei/assert], the ordering of the %s placeholders is different for every assertion. This package, on the contrary, provides consistent placeholder ordering for all assertions:

  • `%s`: The tested value as string, e.g. `"/foo/bar"`.
  • `%2$s`, `%3$s`, ...: Additional assertion-specific values, e.g. the minimum/maximum length, allowed values, etc.

Check the source code of the assertions to find out details about the additional available placeholders.


Use [Composer] to install the package:

$ composer require webmozart/assert


use Webmozart\Assert\Assert;

class Employee
    public function __construct($id)
        Assert::integer($id, 'The employee ID must be an integer. Got: %s');
        Assert::greaterThan($id, 0, 'The employee ID must be a positive integer. Got: %s');

If you create an employee with an invalid ID, an exception is thrown:

new Employee('foobar');
// => InvalidArgumentException: 
//    The employee ID must be an integer. Got: string

new Employee(-10);
// => InvalidArgumentException: 
//    The employee ID must be a positive integer. Got: -10


The [Assert] class provides the following assertions:

Type Assertions

Method | Description ----------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- string($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is a string stringNotEmpty($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is a non-empty string integer($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is an integer integerish($value, $message = '') | Check that a value casts to an integer float($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is a float numeric($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is numeric boolean($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is a boolean scalar($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is a scalar object($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is an object resource($value, $type = null, $message = '') | Check that a value is a resource isCallable($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is a callable isArray($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is an array isTraversable($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is an array or a \Traversable isInstanceOf($value, $class, $message = '') | Check that a value is an instanceof a class notInstanceOf($value, $class, $message = '') | Check that a value is not an instanceof a class

Comparison Assertions

Method | Description ----------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- true($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is true false($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is false null($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is null notNull($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is not null isEmpty($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is empty() notEmpty($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is not empty() eq($value, $value2, $message = '') | Check that a value equals another (==) notEq($value, $value2, $message = '') | Check that a value does not equal another (!=) same($value, $value2, $message = '') | Check that a value is identical to another (===) notSame($value, $value2, $message = '') | Check that a value is not identical to another (!==) greaterThan($value, $value2, $message = '') | Check that a value is greater than another greaterThanEq($value, $value2, $message = '') | Check that a value is greater than or equal to another lessThan($value, $value2, $message = '') | Check that a value is less than another lessThanEq($value, $value2, $message = '') | Check that a value is less than or equal to another range($value, $min, $max, $message = '') | Check that a value is within a range oneOf($value, array $values, $message = '') | Check that a value is one of a list of values

String Assertions

You should check that a value is a string with Assert::string() before making any of the following assertions.

Method | Description --------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- contains($value, $subString, $message = '') | Check that a string contains a substring startsWith($value, $prefix, $message = '') | Check that a string has a prefix startsWithLetter($value, $message = '') | Check that a string starts with a letter endsWith($value, $suffix, $message = '') | Check that a string has a suffix regex($value, $pattern, $message = '') | Check that a string matches a regular expression alpha($value, $message = '') | Check that a string contains letters only digits($value, $message = '') | Check that a string contains digits only alnum($value, $message = '') | Check that a string contains letters and digits only lower($value, $message = '') | Check that a string contains lowercase characters only upper($value, $message = '') | Check that a string contains uppercase characters only length($value, $length, $message = '') | Check that a string has a certain number of characters minLength($value, $min, $message = '') | Check that a string has at least a certain number of characters maxLength($value, $max, $message = '') | Check that a string has at most a certain number of characters lengthBetween($value, $min, $max, $message = '') | Check that a string has a length in the given range uuid($value, $message = '') | Check that a string is a valid UUID

File Assertions

Method | Description ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- fileExists($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is an existing path file($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is an existing file directory($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is an existing directory readable($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is a readable path writable($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is a writable path

Object Assertions

Method | Description ----------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- classExists($value, $message = '') | Check that a value is an existing class name subclassOf($value, $class, $message = '') | Check that a class is a subclass of another implementsInterface($value, $class, $message = '') | Check that a class implements an interface propertyExists($value, $property, $message = '') | Check that a property exists in a class/object propertyNotExists($value, $property, $message = '') | Check that a property does not exist in a class/object methodExists($value, $method, $message = '') | Check that a method exists in a class/object methodNotExists($value, $method, $message = '') | Check that a method does not exist in a class/object

Array Assertions

Method | Description ------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- keyExists($array, $key, $message = '') | Check that a key exists in an array keyNotExists($array, $key, $message = '') | Check that a key does not exist in an array count($array, $number, $message = '') | Check that an array contains a specific number of elements

Function Assertions

Method | Description ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- throws($closure, $class, $message = '') | Check that a function throws a certain exception. Subclasses of the exception class will be accepted.

Collection Assertions

All of the above assertions can be prefixed with all*() to test the contents of an array or a \Traversable:

Assert::allIsInstanceOf($employees, 'Acme\Employee');

Nullable Assertions

All of the above assertions can be prefixed with nullOr*() to run the assertion only if it the value is not null:

Assert::nullOrString($middleName, 'The middle name must be a string or null. Got: %s');


  • [Bernhard Schussek] a.k.a. [@webmozart]
  • [The Community Contributors]


Contributions to the package are always welcome!

  • Report any bugs or issues you find on the [issue tracker].
  • You can grab the source code at the package's [Git repository].


If you are having problems, send a mail to or shout out to [@webmozart] on Twitter.


All contents of this package are licensed under the [MIT license].

[beberlei/assert]: [assert package]: [Composer]: [Bernhard Schussek]: [The Community Contributors]: [issue tracker]: [Git repository]: [@webmozart]: [MIT license]: LICENSE [Assert]: src/Assert.php