PHP Classes

Classes of Renato Lucena

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Picture of Renato Lucena
Name: Renato Lucena <contact>
Classes: 1
Country: Brazil Brazil
Age: 43
All time rank: 4357353 in Brazil Brazil
Week rank: 221 Up17 in Brazil Brazil Up
All time users: 122
Week users: 0
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x
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  Files folder image PHP Pokemon Script  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2018
Number 6
Provides an API to manage a database of Pokemons
This package provides an API to manage a database of Pokemons.

It takes HTTP requests to perform several operations to manage a database with details of Pokemons. Currently it can:

- Create a record for an API user to access the database of Pokemons using an email and password
- Authenticate an API user
- Retrieve a list of Pokemons in the database
- Retrieve the information details of a given Pokemon
- Create a record for a new Pokemon with a given nam, attack strength, defense strength and agility
- Update or delete the record of a given Pokemon

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