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File: vendor/symfony/process/Process.php

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File: vendor/symfony/process/Process.php
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<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Process; use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\LogicException; use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException; use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessTimedOutException; use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException; use Symfony\Component\Process\Pipes\PipesInterface; use Symfony\Component\Process\Pipes\UnixPipes; use Symfony\Component\Process\Pipes\WindowsPipes; /** * Process is a thin wrapper around proc_* functions to easily * start independent PHP processes. * * @author Fabien Potencier <> * @author Romain Neutron <> */ class Process implements \IteratorAggregate { const ERR = 'err'; const OUT = 'out'; const STATUS_READY = 'ready'; const STATUS_STARTED = 'started'; const STATUS_TERMINATED = 'terminated'; const STDIN = 0; const STDOUT = 1; const STDERR = 2; // Timeout Precision in seconds. const TIMEOUT_PRECISION = 0.2; const ITER_NON_BLOCKING = 1; // By default, iterating over outputs is a blocking call, use this flag to make it non-blocking const ITER_KEEP_OUTPUT = 2; // By default, outputs are cleared while iterating, use this flag to keep them in memory const ITER_SKIP_OUT = 4; // Use this flag to skip STDOUT while iterating const ITER_SKIP_ERR = 8; // Use this flag to skip STDERR while iterating private $callback; private $hasCallback = false; private $commandline; private $cwd; private $env; private $input; private $starttime; private $lastOutputTime; private $timeout; private $idleTimeout; private $options = array('suppress_errors' => true); private $exitcode; private $fallbackStatus = array(); private $processInformation; private $outputDisabled = false; private $stdout; private $stderr; private $enhanceWindowsCompatibility = true; private $enhanceSigchildCompatibility; private $process; private $status = self::STATUS_READY; private $incrementalOutputOffset = 0; private $incrementalErrorOutputOffset = 0; private $tty; private $pty; private $inheritEnv = false; private $useFileHandles = false; /** @var PipesInterface */ private $processPipes; private $latestSignal; private static $sigchild; /** * Exit codes translation table. * * User-defined errors must use exit codes in the 64-113 range. * * @var array */ public static $exitCodes = array( 0 => 'OK', 1 => 'General error', 2 => 'Misuse of shell builtins', 126 => 'Invoked command cannot execute', 127 => 'Command not found', 128 => 'Invalid exit argument', // signals 129 => 'Hangup', 130 => 'Interrupt', 131 => 'Quit and dump core', 132 => 'Illegal instruction', 133 => 'Trace/breakpoint trap', 134 => 'Process aborted', 135 => 'Bus error: "access to undefined portion of memory object"', 136 => 'Floating point exception: "erroneous arithmetic operation"', 137 => 'Kill (terminate immediately)', 138 => 'User-defined 1', 139 => 'Segmentation violation', 140 => 'User-defined 2', 141 => 'Write to pipe with no one reading', 142 => 'Signal raised by alarm', 143 => 'Termination (request to terminate)', // 144 - not defined 145 => 'Child process terminated, stopped (or continued*)', 146 => 'Continue if stopped', 147 => 'Stop executing temporarily', 148 => 'Terminal stop signal', 149 => 'Background process attempting to read from tty ("in")', 150 => 'Background process attempting to write to tty ("out")', 151 => 'Urgent data available on socket', 152 => 'CPU time limit exceeded', 153 => 'File size limit exceeded', 154 => 'Signal raised by timer counting virtual time: "virtual timer expired"', 155 => 'Profiling timer expired', // 156 - not defined 157 => 'Pollable event', // 158 - not defined 159 => 'Bad syscall', ); /** * Constructor. * * @param string|array $commandline The command line to run * @param string|null $cwd The working directory or null to use the working dir of the current PHP process * @param array|null $env The environment variables or null to use the same environment as the current PHP process * @param mixed|null $input The input as stream resource, scalar or \Traversable, or null for no input * @param int|float|null $timeout The timeout in seconds or null to disable * @param array $options An array of options for proc_open * * @throws RuntimeException When proc_open is not installed */ public function __construct($commandline, $cwd = null, array $env = null, $input = null, $timeout = 60, array $options = null) { if (!function_exists('proc_open')) { throw new RuntimeException('The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your PHP installation.'); } $this->commandline = $commandline; $this->cwd = $cwd; // on Windows, if the cwd changed via chdir(), proc_open defaults to the dir where PHP was started // on Gnu/Linux, PHP builds with --enable-maintainer-zts are also affected // @see : // @see : if (null === $this->cwd && (defined('ZEND_THREAD_SAFE') || '\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) { $this->cwd = getcwd(); } if (null !== $env) { $this->setEnv($env); } $this->setInput($input); $this->setTimeout($timeout); $this->useFileHandles = '\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->pty = false; $this->enhanceSigchildCompatibility = '\\' !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && $this->isSigchildEnabled(); if (null !== $options) { @trigger_error(sprintf('The $options parameter of the %s constructor is deprecated since version 3.3 and will be removed in 4.0.', __CLASS__), E_USER_DEPRECATED); $this->options = array_replace($this->options, $options); } } public function __destruct() { $this->stop(0); } public function __clone() { $this->resetProcessData(); } /** * Runs the process. * * The callback receives the type of output (out or err) and * some bytes from the output in real-time. It allows to have feedback * from the independent process during execution. * * The STDOUT and STDERR are also available after the process is finished * via the getOutput() and getErrorOutput() methods. * * @param callable|null $callback A PHP callback to run whenever there is some * output available on STDOUT or STDERR * @param array $env An array of additional env vars to set when running the process * * @return int The exit status code * * @throws RuntimeException When process can't be launched * @throws RuntimeException When process stopped after receiving signal * @throws LogicException In case a callback is provided and output has been disabled * * @final since version 3.3 */ public function run($callback = null/*, array $env = array()*/) { $env = 1 < func_num_args() ? func_get_arg(1) : null; $this->start($callback, $env); return $this->wait(); } /** * Runs the process. * * This is identical to run() except that an exception is thrown if the process * exits with a non-zero exit code. * * @param callable|null $callback * @param array $env An array of additional env vars to set when running the process * * @return self * * @throws RuntimeException if PHP was compiled with --enable-sigchild and the enhanced sigchild compatibility mode is not enabled * @throws ProcessFailedException if the process didn't terminate successfully * * @final since version 3.3 */ public function mustRun(callable $callback = null/*, array $env = array()*/) { if (!$this->enhanceSigchildCompatibility && $this->isSigchildEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException('This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method.'); } $env = 1 < func_num_args() ? func_get_arg(1) : null; if (0 !== $this->run($callback, $env)) { throw new ProcessFailedException($this); } return $this; } /** * Starts the process and returns after writing the input to STDIN. * * This method blocks until all STDIN data is sent to the process then it * returns while the process runs in the background. * * The termination of the process can be awaited with wait(). * * The callback receives the type of output (out or err) and some bytes from * the output in real-time while writing the standard input to the process. * It allows to have feedback from the independent process during execution. * * @param callable|null $callback A PHP callback to run whenever there is some * output available on STDOUT or STDERR * @param array $env An array of additional env vars to set when running the process * * @throws RuntimeException When process can't be launched * @throws RuntimeException When process is already running * @throws LogicException In case a callback is provided and output has been disabled */ public function start(callable $callback = null/*, array $env = array()*/) { if ($this->isRunning()) { throw new RuntimeException('Process is already running'); } if (2 <= func_num_args()) { $env = func_get_arg(1); } else { if (__CLASS__ !== static::class) { $r = new \ReflectionMethod($this, __FUNCTION__); if (__CLASS__ !== $r->getDeclaringClass()->getName() && (2 > $r->getNumberOfParameters() || 'env' !== $r->getParameters()[0]->name)) { @trigger_error(sprintf('The %s::start() method expects a second "$env" argument since version 3.3. It will be made mandatory in 4.0.', static::class), E_USER_DEPRECATED); } } $env = null; } $this->resetProcessData(); $this->starttime = $this->lastOutputTime = microtime(true); $this->callback = $this->buildCallback($callback); $this->hasCallback = null !== $callback; $descriptors = $this->getDescriptors(); $inheritEnv = $this->inheritEnv; if (is_array($commandline = $this->commandline)) { $commandline = implode(' ', array_map(array($this, 'escapeArgument'), $commandline)); if ('\\' !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { // exec is mandatory to deal with sending a signal to the process $commandline = 'exec '.$commandline; } } if (null === $env) { $env = $this->env; } else { if ($this->env) { $env += $this->env; } $inheritEnv = true; } $envBackup = array(); if (null !== $env && $inheritEnv) { foreach ($env as $k => $v) { $envBackup[$k] = getenv($k); putenv(false === $v || null === $v ? $k : "$k=$v"); } $env = null; } elseif (null !== $env) { @trigger_error('Not inheriting environment variables is deprecated since Symfony 3.3 and will always happen in 4.0. Set "Process::inheritEnvironmentVariables()" to true instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && $this->enhanceWindowsCompatibility) { $this->options['bypass_shell'] = true; $commandline = $this->prepareWindowsCommandLine($commandline, $envBackup, $env); } elseif (!$this->useFileHandles && $this->enhanceSigchildCompatibility && $this->isSigchildEnabled()) { // last exit code is output on the fourth pipe and caught to work around --enable-sigchild $descriptors[3] = array('pipe', 'w'); // See $commandline = '{ ('.$commandline.') <&3 3<&- 3>/dev/null & } 3<&0;'; $commandline .= 'pid=$!; echo $pid >&3; wait $pid; code=$?; echo $code >&3; exit $code'; // Workaround for the bug, when PTS functionality is enabled. // @see : $ptsWorkaround = fopen(__FILE__, 'r'); } $this->process = proc_open($commandline, $descriptors, $this->processPipes->pipes, $this->cwd, $env, $this->options); foreach ($envBackup as $k => $v) { putenv(false === $v ? $k : "$k=$v"); } if (!is_resource($this->process)) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to launch a new process.'); } $this->status = self::STATUS_STARTED; if (isset($descriptors[3])) { $this->fallbackStatus['pid'] = (int) fgets($this->processPipes->pipes[3]); } if ($this->tty) { return; } $this->updateStatus(false); $this->checkTimeout(); } /** * Restarts the process. * * Be warned that the process is cloned before being started. * * @param callable|null $callback A PHP callback to run whenever there is some * output available on STDOUT or STDERR * @param array $env An array of additional env vars to set when running the process * * @return $this * * @throws RuntimeException When process can't be launched * @throws RuntimeException When process is already running * * @see start() * * @final since version 3.3 */ public function restart(callable $callback = null/*, array $env = array()*/) { if ($this->isRunning()) { throw new RuntimeException('Process is already running'); } $env = 1 < func_num_args() ? func_get_arg(1) : null; $process = clone $this; $process->start($callback, $env); return $process; } /** * Waits for the process to terminate. * * The callback receives the type of output (out or err) and some bytes * from the output in real-time while writing the standard input to the process. * It allows to have feedback from the independent process during execution. * * @param callable|null $callback A valid PHP callback * * @return int The exitcode of the process * * @throws RuntimeException When process timed out * @throws RuntimeException When process stopped after receiving signal * @throws LogicException When process is not yet started */ public function wait(callable $callback = null) { $this->requireProcessIsStarted(__FUNCTION__); $this->updateStatus(false); if (null !== $callback) { if (!$this->processPipes->haveReadSupport()) { $this->stop(0); throw new \LogicException('Pass the callback to the Process::start method or enableOutput to use a callback with Process::wait'); } $this->callback = $this->buildCallback($callback); } do { $this->checkTimeout(); $running = '\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? $this->isRunning() : $this->processPipes->areOpen(); $this->readPipes($running, '\\' !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR || !$running); } while ($running); while ($this->isRunning()) { usleep(1000); } if ($this->processInformation['signaled'] && $this->processInformation['termsig'] !== $this->latestSignal) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The process has been signaled with signal "%s".', $this->processInformation['termsig'])); } return $this->exitcode; } /** * Returns the Pid (process identifier), if applicable. * * @return int|null The process id if running, null otherwise */ public function getPid() { return $this->isRunning() ? $this->processInformation['pid'] : null; } /** * Sends a POSIX signal to the process. * * @param int $signal A valid POSIX signal (see * * @return $this * * @throws LogicException In case the process is not running * @throws RuntimeException In case --enable-sigchild is activated and the process can't be killed * @throws RuntimeException In case of failure */ public function signal($signal) { $this->doSignal($signal, true); return $this; } /** * Disables fetching output and error output from the underlying process. * * @return $this * * @throws RuntimeException In case the process is already running * @throws LogicException if an idle timeout is set */ public function disableOutput() { if ($this->isRunning()) { throw new RuntimeException('Disabling output while the process is running is not possible.'); } if (null !== $this->idleTimeout) { throw new LogicException('Output can not be disabled while an idle timeout is set.'); } $this->outputDisabled = true; return $this; } /** * Enables fetching output and error output from the underlying process. * * @return $this * * @throws RuntimeException In case the process is already running */ public function enableOutput() { if ($this->isRunning()) { throw new RuntimeException('Enabling output while the process is running is not possible.'); } $this->outputDisabled = false; return $this; } /** * Returns true in case the output is disabled, false otherwise. * * @return bool */ public function isOutputDisabled() { return $this->outputDisabled; } /** * Returns the current output of the process (STDOUT). * * @return string The process output * * @throws LogicException in case the output has been disabled * @throws LogicException In case the process is not started */ public function getOutput() { $this->readPipesForOutput(__FUNCTION__); if (false === $ret = stream_get_contents($this->stdout, -1, 0)) { return ''; } return $ret; } /** * Returns the output incrementally. * * In comparison with the getOutput method which always return the whole * output, this one returns the new output since the last call. * * @return string The process output since the last call * * @throws LogicException in case the output has been disabled * @throws LogicException In case the process is not started */ public function getIncrementalOutput() { $this->readPipesForOutput(__FUNCTION__); $latest = stream_get_contents($this->stdout, -1, $this->incrementalOutputOffset); $this->incrementalOutputOffset = ftell($this->stdout); if (false === $latest) { return ''; } return $latest; } /** * Returns an iterator to the output of the process, with the output type as keys (Process::OUT/ERR). * * @param int $flags A bit field of Process::ITER_* flags * * @throws LogicException in case the output has been disabled * @throws LogicException In case the process is not started * * @return \Generator */ public function getIterator($flags = 0) { $this->readPipesForOutput(__FUNCTION__, false); $clearOutput = !(self::ITER_KEEP_OUTPUT & $flags); $blocking = !(self::ITER_NON_BLOCKING & $flags); $yieldOut = !(self::ITER_SKIP_OUT & $flags); $yieldErr = !(self::ITER_SKIP_ERR & $flags); while (null !== $this->callback || ($yieldOut && !feof($this->stdout)) || ($yieldErr && !feof($this->stderr))) { if ($yieldOut) { $out = stream_get_contents($this->stdout, -1, $this->incrementalOutputOffset); if (isset($out[0])) { if ($clearOutput) { $this->clearOutput(); } else { $this->incrementalOutputOffset = ftell($this->stdout); } yield self::OUT => $out; } } if ($yieldErr) { $err = stream_get_contents($this->stderr, -1, $this->incrementalErrorOutputOffset); if (isset($err[0])) { if ($clearOutput) { $this->clearErrorOutput(); } else { $this->incrementalErrorOutputOffset = ftell($this->stderr); } yield self::ERR => $err; } } if (!$blocking && !isset($out[0]) && !isset($err[0])) { yield self::OUT => ''; } $this->checkTimeout(); $this->readPipesForOutput(__FUNCTION__, $blocking); } } /** * Clears the process output. * * @return $this */ public function clearOutput() { ftruncate($this->stdout, 0); fseek($this->stdout, 0); $this->incrementalOutputOffset = 0; return $this; } /** * Returns the current error output of the process (STDERR). * * @return string The process error output * * @throws LogicException in case the output has been disabled * @throws LogicException In case the process is not started */ public function getErrorOutput() { $this->readPipesForOutput(__FUNCTION__); if (false === $ret = stream_get_contents($this->stderr, -1, 0)) { return ''; } return $ret; } /** * Returns the errorOutput incrementally. * * In comparison with the getErrorOutput method which always return the * whole error output, this one returns the new error output since the last * call. * * @return string The process error output since the last call * * @throws LogicException in case the output has been disabled * @throws LogicException In case the process is not started */ public function getIncrementalErrorOutput() { $this->readPipesForOutput(__FUNCTION__); $latest = stream_get_contents($this->stderr, -1, $this->incrementalErrorOutputOffset); $this->incrementalErrorOutputOffset = ftell($this->stderr); if (false === $latest) { return ''; } return $latest; } /** * Clears the process output. * * @return $this */ public function clearErrorOutput() { ftruncate($this->stderr, 0); fseek($this->stderr, 0); $this->incrementalErrorOutputOffset = 0; return $this; } /** * Returns the exit code returned by the process. * * @return null|int The exit status code, null if the Process is not terminated * * @throws RuntimeException In case --enable-sigchild is activated and the sigchild compatibility mode is disabled */ public function getExitCode() { if (!$this->enhanceSigchildCompatibility && $this->isSigchildEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException('This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method.'); } $this->updateStatus(false); return $this->exitcode; } /** * Returns a string representation for the exit code returned by the process. * * This method relies on the Unix exit code status standardization * and might not be relevant for other operating systems. * * @return null|string A string representation for the exit status code, null if the Process is not terminated * * @see * @see */ public function getExitCodeText() { if (null === $exitcode = $this->getExitCode()) { return; } return isset(self::$exitCodes[$exitcode]) ? self::$exitCodes[$exitcode] : 'Unknown error'; } /** * Checks if the process ended successfully. * * @return bool true if the process ended successfully, false otherwise */ public function isSuccessful() { return 0 === $this->getExitCode(); } /** * Returns true if the child process has been terminated by an uncaught signal. * * It always returns false on Windows. * * @return bool * * @throws RuntimeException In case --enable-sigchild is activated * @throws LogicException In case the process is not terminated */ public function hasBeenSignaled() { $this->requireProcessIsTerminated(__FUNCTION__); if (!$this->enhanceSigchildCompatibility && $this->isSigchildEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException('This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. Term signal can not be retrieved.'); } return $this->processInformation['signaled']; } /** * Returns the number of the signal that caused the child process to terminate its execution. * * It is only meaningful if hasBeenSignaled() returns true. * * @return int * * @throws RuntimeException In case --enable-sigchild is activated * @throws LogicException In case the process is not terminated */ public function getTermSignal() { $this->requireProcessIsTerminated(__FUNCTION__); if ($this->isSigchildEnabled() && (!$this->enhanceSigchildCompatibility || -1 === $this->processInformation['termsig'])) { throw new RuntimeException('This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. Term signal can not be retrieved.'); } return $this->processInformation['termsig']; } /** * Returns true if the child process has been stopped by a signal. * * It always returns false on Windows. * * @return bool * * @throws LogicException In case the process is not terminated */ public function hasBeenStopped() { $this->requireProcessIsTerminated(__FUNCTION__); return $this->processInformation['stopped']; } /** * Returns the number of the signal that caused the child process to stop its execution. * * It is only meaningful if hasBeenStopped() returns true. * * @return int * * @throws LogicException In case the process is not terminated */ public function getStopSignal() { $this->requireProcessIsTerminated(__FUNCTION__); return $this->processInformation['stopsig']; } /** * Checks if the process is currently running. * * @return bool true if the process is currently running, false otherwise */ public function isRunning() { if (self::STATUS_STARTED !== $this->status) { return false; } $this->updateStatus(false); return $this->processInformation['running']; } /** * Checks if the process has been started with no regard to the current state. * * @return bool true if status is ready, false otherwise */ public function isStarted() { return $this->status != self::STATUS_READY; } /** * Checks if the process is terminated. * * @return bool true if process is terminated, false otherwise */ public function isTerminated() { $this->updateStatus(false); return $this->status == self::STATUS_TERMINATED; } /** * Gets the process status. * * The status is one of: ready, started, terminated. * * @return string The current process status */ public function getStatus() { $this->updateStatus(false); return $this->status; } /** * Stops the process. * * @param int|float $timeout The timeout in seconds * @param int $signal A POSIX signal to send in case the process has not stop at timeout, default is SIGKILL (9) * * @return int The exit-code of the process */ public function stop($timeout = 10, $signal = null) { $timeoutMicro = microtime(true) + $timeout; if ($this->isRunning()) { // given `SIGTERM` may not be defined and that `proc_terminate` uses the constant value and not the constant itself, we use the same here $this->doSignal(15, false); do { usleep(1000); } while ($this->isRunning() && microtime(true) < $timeoutMicro); if ($this->isRunning()) { // Avoid exception here: process is supposed to be running, but it might have stopped just // after this line. In any case, let's silently discard the error, we cannot do anything. $this->doSignal($signal ?: 9, false); } } if ($this->isRunning()) { if (isset($this->fallbackStatus['pid'])) { unset($this->fallbackStatus['pid']); return $this->stop(0, $signal); } $this->close(); } return $this->exitcode; } /** * Adds a line to the STDOUT stream. * * @internal * * @param string $line The line to append */ public function addOutput($line) { $this->lastOutputTime = microtime(true); fseek($this->stdout, 0, SEEK_END); fwrite($this->stdout, $line); fseek($this->stdout, $this->incrementalOutputOffset); } /** * Adds a line to the STDERR stream. * * @internal * * @param string $line The line to append */ public function addErrorOutput($line) { $this->lastOutputTime = microtime(true); fseek($this->stderr, 0, SEEK_END); fwrite($this->stderr, $line); fseek($this->stderr, $this->incrementalErrorOutputOffset); } /** * Gets the command line to be executed. * * @return string The command to execute */ public function getCommandLine() { return is_array($this->commandline) ? implode(' ', array_map(array($this, 'escapeArgument'), $this->commandline)) : $this->commandline; } /** * Sets the command line to be executed. * * @param string|array $commandline The command to execute * * @return self The current Process instance */ public function setCommandLine($commandline) { $this->commandline = $commandline; return $this; } /** * Gets the process timeout (max. runtime). * * @return float|null The timeout in seconds or null if it's disabled */ public function getTimeout() { return $this->timeout; } /** * Gets the process idle timeout (max. time since last output). * * @return float|null The timeout in seconds or null if it's disabled */ public function getIdleTimeout() { return $this->idleTimeout; } /** * Sets the process timeout (max. runtime). * * To disable the timeout, set this value to null. * * @param int|float|null $timeout The timeout in seconds * * @return self The current Process instance * * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the timeout is negative */ public function setTimeout($timeout) { $this->timeout = $this->validateTimeout($timeout); return $this; } /** * Sets the process idle timeout (max. time since last output). * * To disable the timeout, set this value to null. * * @param int|float|null $timeout The timeout in seconds * * @return self The current Process instance * * @throws LogicException if the output is disabled * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the timeout is negative */ public function setIdleTimeout($timeout) { if (null !== $timeout && $this->outputDisabled) { throw new LogicException('Idle timeout can not be set while the output is disabled.'); } $this->idleTimeout = $this->validateTimeout($timeout); return $this; } /** * Enables or disables the TTY mode. * * @param bool $tty True to enabled and false to disable * * @return self The current Process instance * * @throws RuntimeException In case the TTY mode is not supported */ public function setTty($tty) { if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && $tty) { throw new RuntimeException('TTY mode is not supported on Windows platform.'); } if ($tty) { static $isTtySupported; if (null === $isTtySupported) { $isTtySupported = (bool) @proc_open('echo 1 >/dev/null', array(array('file', '/dev/tty', 'r'), array('file', '/dev/tty', 'w'), array('file', '/dev/tty', 'w')), $pipes); } if (!$isTtySupported) { throw new RuntimeException('TTY mode requires /dev/tty to be read/writable.'); } } $this->tty = (bool) $tty; return $this; } /** * Checks if the TTY mode is enabled. * * @return bool true if the TTY mode is enabled, false otherwise */ public function isTty() { return $this->tty; } /** * Sets PTY mode. * * @param bool $bool * * @return self */ public function setPty($bool) { $this->pty = (bool) $bool; return $this; } /** * Returns PTY state. * * @return bool */ public function isPty() { return $this->pty; } /** * Gets the working directory. * * @return string|null The current working directory or null on failure */ public function getWorkingDirectory() { if (null === $this->cwd) { // getcwd() will return false if any one of the parent directories does not have // the readable or search mode set, even if the current directory does return getcwd() ?: null; } return $this->cwd; } /** * Sets the current working directory. * * @param string $cwd The new working directory * * @return self The current Process instance */ public function setWorkingDirectory($cwd) { $this->cwd = $cwd; return $this; } /** * Gets the environment variables. * * @return array The current environment variables */ public function getEnv() { return $this->env; } /** * Sets the environment variables. * * An environment variable value should be a string. * If it is an array, the variable is ignored. * If it is false or null, it will be removed when * env vars are otherwise inherited. * * That happens in PHP when 'argv' is registered into * the $_ENV array for instance. * * @param array $env The new environment variables * * @return self The current Process instance */ public function setEnv(array $env) { // Process can not handle env values that are arrays $env = array_filter($env, function ($value) { return !is_array($value); }); $this->env = $env; return $this; } /** * Gets the Process input. * * @return resource|string|\Iterator|null The Process input */ public function getInput() { return $this->input; } /** * Sets the input. * * This content will be passed to the underlying process standard input. * * @param resource|scalar|\Traversable|null $input The content * * @return self The current Process instance * * @throws LogicException In case the process is running */ public function setInput($input) { if ($this->isRunning()) { throw new LogicException('Input can not be set while the process is running.'); } $this->input = ProcessUtils::validateInput(__METHOD__, $input); return $this; } /** * Gets the options for proc_open. * * @return array The current options * * @deprecated since version 3.3, to be removed in 4.0. */ public function getOptions() { @trigger_error(sprintf('The %s() method is deprecated since version 3.3 and will be removed in 4.0.', __METHOD__), E_USER_DEPRECATED); return $this->options; } /** * Sets the options for proc_open. * * @param array $options The new options * * @return self The current Process instance * * @deprecated since version 3.3, to be removed in 4.0. */ public function setOptions(array $options) { @trigger_error(sprintf('The %s() method is deprecated since version 3.3 and will be removed in 4.0.', __METHOD__), E_USER_DEPRECATED); $this->options = $options; return $this; } /** * Gets whether or not Windows compatibility is enabled. * * This is true by default. * * @return bool * * @deprecated since version 3.3, to be removed in 4.0. Enhanced Windows compatibility will always be enabled. */ public function getEnhanceWindowsCompatibility() { @trigger_error(sprintf('The %s() method is deprecated since version 3.3 and will be removed in 4.0. Enhanced Windows compatibility will always be enabled.', __METHOD__), E_USER_DEPRECATED); return $this->enhanceWindowsCompatibility; } /** * Sets whether or not Windows compatibility is enabled. * * @param bool $enhance * * @return self The current Process instance * * @deprecated since version 3.3, to be removed in 4.0. Enhanced Windows compatibility will always be enabled. */ public function setEnhanceWindowsCompatibility($enhance) { @trigger_error(sprintf('The %s() method is deprecated since version 3.3 and will be removed in 4.0. Enhanced Windows compatibility will always be enabled.', __METHOD__), E_USER_DEPRECATED); $this->enhanceWindowsCompatibility = (bool) $enhance; return $this; } /** * Returns whether sigchild compatibility mode is activated or not. * * @return bool * * @deprecated since version 3.3, to be removed in 4.0. Sigchild compatibility will always be enabled. */ public function getEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() { @trigger_error(sprintf('The %s() method is deprecated since version 3.3 and will be removed in 4.0. Sigchild compatibility will always be enabled.', __METHOD__), E_USER_DEPRECATED); return $this->enhanceSigchildCompatibility; } /** * Activates sigchild compatibility mode. * * Sigchild compatibility mode is required to get the exit code and * determine the success of a process when PHP has been compiled with * the --enable-sigchild option * * @param bool $enhance * * @return self The current Process instance * * @deprecated since version 3.3, to be removed in 4.0. */ public function setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility($enhance) { @trigger_error(sprintf('The %s() method is deprecated since version 3.3 and will be removed in 4.0. Sigchild compatibility will always be enabled.', __METHOD__), E_USER_DEPRECATED); $this->enhanceSigchildCompatibility = (bool) $enhance; return $this; } /** * Sets whether environment variables will be inherited or not. * * @param bool $inheritEnv * * @return self The current Process instance */ public function inheritEnvironmentVariables($inheritEnv = true) { if (!$inheritEnv) { @trigger_error('Not inheriting environment variables is deprecated since Symfony 3.3 and will always happen in 4.0. Set "Process::inheritEnvironmentVariables()" to true instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } $this->inheritEnv = (bool) $inheritEnv; return $this; } /** * Returns whether environment variables will be inherited or not. * * @return bool * * @deprecated since version 3.3, to be removed in 4.0. Environment variables will always be inherited. */ public function areEnvironmentVariablesInherited() { @trigger_error(sprintf('The %s() method is deprecated since version 3.3 and will be removed in 4.0. Environment variables will always be inherited.', __METHOD__), E_USER_DEPRECATED); return $this->inheritEnv; } /** * Performs a check between the timeout definition and the time the process started. * * In case you run a background process (with the start method), you should * trigger this method regularly to ensure the process timeout * * @throws ProcessTimedOutException In case the timeout was reached */ public function checkTimeout() { if ($this->status !== self::STATUS_STARTED) { return; } if (null !== $this->timeout && $this->timeout < microtime(true) - $this->starttime) { $this->stop(0); throw new ProcessTimedOutException($this, ProcessTimedOutException::TYPE_GENERAL); } if (null !== $this->idleTimeout && $this->idleTimeout < microtime(true) - $this->lastOutputTime) { $this->stop(0); throw new ProcessTimedOutException($this, ProcessTimedOutException::TYPE_IDLE); } } /** * Returns whether PTY is supported on the current operating system. * * @return bool */ public static function isPtySupported() { static $result; if (null !== $result) { return $result; } if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { return $result = false; } return $result = (bool) @proc_open('echo 1 >/dev/null', array(array('pty'), array('pty'), array('pty')), $pipes); } /** * Creates the descriptors needed by the proc_open. * * @return array */ private function getDescriptors() { if ($this->input instanceof \Iterator) { $this->input->rewind(); } if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $this->processPipes = new WindowsPipes($this->input, !$this->outputDisabled || $this->hasCallback); } else { $this->processPipes = new UnixPipes($this->isTty(), $this->isPty(), $this->input, !$this->outputDisabled || $this->hasCallback); } return $this->processPipes->getDescriptors(); } /** * Builds up the callback used by wait(). * * The callbacks adds all occurred output to the specific buffer and calls * the user callback (if present) with the received output. * * @param callable|null $callback The user defined PHP callback * * @return \Closure A PHP closure */ protected function buildCallback(callable $callback = null) { if ($this->outputDisabled) { return function ($type, $data) use ($callback) { if (null !== $callback) { call_user_func($callback, $type, $data); } }; } $out = self::OUT; return function ($type, $data) use ($callback, $out) { if ($out == $type) { $this->addOutput($data); } else { $this->addErrorOutput($data); } if (null !== $callback) { call_user_func($callback, $type, $data); } }; } /** * Updates the status of the process, reads pipes. * * @param bool $blocking Whether to use a blocking read call */ protected function updateStatus($blocking) { if (self::STATUS_STARTED !== $this->status) { return; } $this->processInformation = proc_get_status($this->process); $running = $this->processInformation['running']; $this->readPipes($running && $blocking, '\\' !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR || !$running); if ($this->fallbackStatus && $this->enhanceSigchildCompatibility && $this->isSigchildEnabled()) { $this->processInformation = $this->fallbackStatus + $this->processInformation; } if (!$running) { $this->close(); } } /** * Returns whether PHP has been compiled with the '--enable-sigchild' option or not. * * @return bool */ protected function isSigchildEnabled() { if (null !== self::$sigchild) { return self::$sigchild; } if (!function_exists('phpinfo') || defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { return self::$sigchild = false; } ob_start(); phpinfo(INFO_GENERAL); return self::$sigchild = false !== strpos(ob_get_clean(), '--enable-sigchild'); } /** * Reads pipes for the freshest output. * * @param string $caller The name of the method that needs fresh outputs * @param bool $blocking Whether to use blocking calls or not * * @throws LogicException in case output has been disabled or process is not started */ private function readPipesForOutput($caller, $blocking = false) { if ($this->outputDisabled) { throw new LogicException('Output has been disabled.'); } $this->requireProcessIsStarted($caller); $this->updateStatus($blocking); } /** * Validates and returns the filtered timeout. * * @param int|float|null $timeout * * @return float|null * * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the given timeout is a negative number */ private function validateTimeout($timeout) { $timeout = (float) $timeout; if (0.0 === $timeout) { $timeout = null; } elseif ($timeout < 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The timeout value must be a valid positive integer or float number.'); } return $timeout; } /** * Reads pipes, executes callback. * * @param bool $blocking Whether to use blocking calls or not * @param bool $close Whether to close file handles or not */ private function readPipes($blocking, $close) { $result = $this->processPipes->readAndWrite($blocking, $close); $callback = $this->callback; foreach ($result as $type => $data) { if (3 !== $type) { $callback($type === self::STDOUT ? self::OUT : self::ERR, $data); } elseif (!isset($this->fallbackStatus['signaled'])) { $this->fallbackStatus['exitcode'] = (int) $data; } } } /** * Closes process resource, closes file handles, sets the exitcode. * * @return int The exitcode */ private function close() { $this->processPipes->close(); if (is_resource($this->process)) { proc_close($this->process); } $this->exitcode = $this->processInformation['exitcode']; $this->status = self::STATUS_TERMINATED; if (-1 === $this->exitcode) { if ($this->processInformation['signaled'] && 0 < $this->processInformation['termsig']) { // if process has been signaled, no exitcode but a valid termsig, apply Unix convention $this->exitcode = 128 + $this->processInformation['termsig']; } elseif ($this->enhanceSigchildCompatibility && $this->isSigchildEnabled()) { $this->processInformation['signaled'] = true; $this->processInformation['termsig'] = -1; } } // Free memory from self-reference callback created by buildCallback // Doing so in other contexts like __destruct or by garbage collector is ineffective // Now pipes are closed, so the callback is no longer necessary $this->callback = null; return $this->exitcode; } /** * Resets data related to the latest run of the process. */ private function resetProcessData() { $this->starttime = null; $this->callback = null; $this->exitcode = null; $this->fallbackStatus = array(); $this->processInformation = null; $this->stdout = fopen('php://temp/maxmemory:'.(1024 * 1024), 'wb+'); $this->stderr = fopen('php://temp/maxmemory:'.(1024 * 1024), 'wb+'); $this->process = null; $this->latestSignal = null; $this->status = self::STATUS_READY; $this->incrementalOutputOffset = 0; $this->incrementalErrorOutputOffset = 0; } /** * Sends a POSIX signal to the process. * * @param int $signal A valid POSIX signal (see * @param bool $throwException Whether to throw exception in case signal failed * * @return bool True if the signal was sent successfully, false otherwise * * @throws LogicException In case the process is not running * @throws RuntimeException In case --enable-sigchild is activated and the process can't be killed * @throws RuntimeException In case of failure */ private function doSignal($signal, $throwException) { if (null === $pid = $this->getPid()) { if ($throwException) { throw new LogicException('Can not send signal on a non running process.'); } return false; } if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { exec(sprintf('taskkill /F /T /PID %d 2>&1', $pid), $output, $exitCode); if ($exitCode && $this->isRunning()) { if ($throwException) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to kill the process (%s).', implode(' ', $output))); } return false; } } else { if (!$this->enhanceSigchildCompatibility || !$this->isSigchildEnabled()) { $ok = @proc_terminate($this->process, $signal); } elseif (function_exists('posix_kill')) { $ok = @posix_kill($pid, $signal); } elseif ($ok = proc_open(sprintf('kill -%d %d', $signal, $pid), array(2 => array('pipe', 'w')), $pipes)) { $ok = false === fgets($pipes[2]); } if (!$ok) { if ($throwException) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Error while sending signal `%s`.', $signal)); } return false; } } $this->latestSignal = (int) $signal; $this->fallbackStatus['signaled'] = true; $this->fallbackStatus['exitcode'] = -1; $this->fallbackStatus['termsig'] = $this->latestSignal; return true; } private function prepareWindowsCommandLine($cmd, array &$envBackup, array &$env = null) { $uid = uniqid('', true); $varCount = 0; $varCache = array(); $cmd = preg_replace_callback( '/"( [^"%!^]*+ (?: (?: !LF! | "(?:\^[%!^])?+" ) [^"%!^]*+ )++ )"/x', function ($m) use (&$envBackup, &$env, &$varCache, &$varCount, $uid) { if (isset($varCache[$m[0]])) { return $varCache[$m[0]]; } if (false !== strpos($value = $m[1], "\0")) { $value = str_replace("\0", '?', $value); } if (false === strpbrk($value, "\"%!\n")) { return '"'.$value.'"'; } $value = str_replace(array('!LF!', '"^!"', '"^%"', '"^^"', '""'), array("\n", '!', '%', '^', '"'), $value); $value = '"'.preg_replace('/(\\\\*)"/', '$1$1\\"', $value).'"'; $var = $uid.++$varCount; if (null === $env) { putenv("$var=$value"); } else { $env[$var] = $value; } $envBackup[$var] = false; return $varCache[$m[0]] = '!'.$var.'!'; }, $cmd ); $cmd = 'cmd /V:ON /E:ON /D /C ('.str_replace("\n", ' ', $cmd).')'; foreach ($this->processPipes->getFiles() as $offset => $filename) { $cmd .= ' '.$offset.'>"'.$filename.'"'; } return $cmd; } /** * Ensures the process is running or terminated, throws a LogicException if the process has a not started. * * @param string $functionName The function name that was called * * @throws LogicException If the process has not run. */ private function requireProcessIsStarted($functionName) { if (!$this->isStarted()) { throw new LogicException(sprintf('Process must be started before calling %s.', $functionName)); } } /** * Ensures the process is terminated, throws a LogicException if the process has a status different than `terminated`. * * @param string $functionName The function name that was called * * @throws LogicException If the process is not yet terminated. */ private function requireProcessIsTerminated($functionName) { if (!$this->isTerminated()) { throw new LogicException(sprintf('Process must be terminated before calling %s.', $functionName)); } } /** * Escapes a string to be used as a shell argument. * * @param string $argument The argument that will be escaped * * @return string The escaped argument */ private function escapeArgument($argument) { if ('\\' !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { return "'".str_replace("'", "'\\''", $argument)."'"; } if ('' === $argument = (string) $argument) { return '""'; } if (false !== strpos($argument, "\0")) { $argument = str_replace("\0", '?', $argument); } if (!preg_match('/[\/()%!^"<>&|\s]/', $argument)) { return $argument; } $argument = preg_replace('/(\\\\+)$/', '$1$1', $argument); return '"'.str_replace(array('"', '^', '%', '!', "\n"), array('""', '"^^"', '"^%"', '"^!"', '!LF!'), $argument).'"'; } }