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File: vendor/nikic/php-parser/

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File: vendor/nikic/php-parser/
Role: Example script
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Pokemon Script
Provides an API to manage a database of Pokemons
Author: By
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 15,942 bytes


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Version 3.1.0-dev

Nothing yet.

Version 3.0.6 (2017-06-28)


  • Fixed the spelling of `Class_::VISIBILITY_MODIFIER_MASK`. The previous spelling of `Class_::VISIBILITY_MODIFER_MASK` is preserved for backwards compatibility.
  • The pretty printing will now preserve comments inside array literals and function calls by printing the array items / function arguments on separate lines. Array literals and functions that do not contain comments are not affected.


  • Added `Builder\Param::makeVariadic()`.


  • The `Node::setLine()` method has been deprecated.

Version 3.0.5 (2017-03-05)


  • Name resolution of `NullableType`s is now performed earlier, so that a fully resolved signature is available when a function is entered. (#360)
  • `Error` nodes are now considered empty, while previously they extended until the token where the error occurred. This made some nodes larger than expected. (#359)
  • Fixed notices being thrown during error recovery in some situations. (#362)

Version 3.0.4 (2017-02-10)


  • Fixed some extensibility issues in pretty printer (`pUseType()` is now public and `pPrec()` calls into `p()`, instead of directly dispatching to the type-specific printing method).
  • Fixed notice in `bin/php-parse` script.


  • Error recovery from missing semicolons is now supported in more cases.
  • Error recovery from trailing commas in positions where PHP does not support them is now supported.

Version 3.0.3 (2017-02-03)


  • In `"$foo[0]"` the `0` is now parsed as an `LNumber` rather than `String`. (#325)
  • Ensure integers and floats are always pretty printed preserving semantics, even if the particular value can only be manually constructed.
  • Throw a `LogicException` when trying to pretty-print an `Error` node. Previously this resulted in an undefined method exception or fatal error.


  • [PHP 7.1] Added support for negative interpolated offsets: `"$foo[-1]"`
  • Added `preserveOriginalNames` option to `NameResolver`. If this option is enabled, an `originalName` attribute, containing the unresolved name, will be added to each resolved name.
  • Added `php-parse --with-positions` option, which dumps nodes with position information.


  • The XML serializer has been deprecated. In particular, the classes `Serializer\XML`, `Unserializer\XML`, as well as the interfaces `Serializer` and `Unserializer` are deprecated.

Version 3.0.2 (2016-12-06)


  • Fixed name resolution of nullable types. (#324)
  • Fixed pretty-printing of nullable types.

Version 3.0.1 (2016-12-01)


  • Fixed handling of nested `list()`s: If the nested list was unkeyed, it was directly included in the list items. If it was keyed, it was wrapped in `ArrayItem`. Now nested `List_` nodes are always wrapped in `ArrayItem`s. (#321)

Version 3.0.0 (2016-11-30)


  • Added support for dumping node positions in the NodeDumper through the `dumpPositions` option.
  • Added error recovery support for `$`, `new`, `Foo::`.

Version 3.0.0-beta2 (2016-10-29)

This release primarily improves our support for error recovery.


  • Added `Node::setDocComment()` method.
  • Added `Error::getMessageWithColumnInfo()` method.
  • Added support for recovery from lexer errors.
  • Added support for recovering from "special" errors (i.e. non-syntax parse errors).
  • Added precise location information for lexer errors.
  • Added `ErrorHandler` interface, and `ErrorHandler\Throwing` and `ErrorHandler\Collecting` as specific implementations. These provide a general mechanism for handling error recovery.
  • Added optional `ErrorHandler` argument to `Parser::parse()`, `Lexer::startLexing()` and `NameResolver::__construct()`.
  • The `NameResolver` now adds a `namespacedName` attribute on name nodes that cannot be statically resolved (unqualified unaliased function or constant names in namespaces).


  • Fixed attribute assignment for `GroupUse` prefix and variables in interpolated strings.


  • The constants on `NameTraverserInterface` have been moved into the `NameTraverser` class.
  • Due to the error handling changes, the `Parser` interface and `Lexer` API have changed.
  • The emulative lexer now directly postprocesses tokens, instead of using `~__EMU__~` sequences. This changes the protected API of the lexer.
  • The `Name::slice()` method now returns `null` for empty slices, previously `new Name([])` was used. `Name::concat()` now also supports concatenation with `null`.


  • Removed `Name::append()` and `Name::prepend()`. These mutable methods have been superseded by the immutable `Name::concat()`.
  • Removed `Error::getRawLine()` and `Error::setRawLine()`. These methods have been superseded by `Error::getStartLine()` and `Error::setStartLine()`.
  • Removed support for node cloning in the `NodeTraverser`.
  • Removed `$separator` argument from `Name::toString()`.
  • Removed `throw_on_error` parser option and `Parser::getErrors()` method. Use the `ErrorHandler` mechanism instead.

Version 3.0.0-beta1 (2016-09-16)


  • [7.1] Function/method and parameter builders now support PHP 7.1 type hints (void, iterable and nullable types).
  • Nodes and Comments now implement `JsonSerializable`. The node kind is stored in a `nodeType` property.
  • The `InlineHTML` node now has an `hasLeadingNewline` attribute, that specifies whether the preceding closing tag contained a newline. The pretty printer honors this attribute.
  • Partial parsing of `$obj->` (with missing property name) is now supported in error recovery mode.
  • The error recovery mode is now exposed in the `php-parse` script through the `--with-recovery` or `-r` flags.

The following changes are also part of PHP-Parser 2.1.1:

  • The PHP 7 parser will now generate a parse error for `$var =& new Obj` assignments.
  • Comments on free-standing code blocks will now be retained as comments on the first statement in the code block.

Version 3.0.0-alpha1 (2016-07-25)


  • [7.1] Added support for `void` and `iterable` types. These will now be represented as strings (instead of `Name` instances) similar to other builtin types.
  • [7.1] Added support for class constant visibility. The `ClassConst` node now has a `flags` subnode holding the visibility modifier, as well as `isPublic()`, `isProtected()` and `isPrivate()` methods. The constructor changed to accept the additional subnode.
  • [7.1] Added support for nullable types. These are represented using a new `NullableType` node with a single `type` subnode.
  • [7.1] Added support for short array destructuring syntax. This means that `Array` nodes may now appear as the left-hand-side of assignments and foreach value targets. Additionally the array items may now contain `null` values if elements are skipped.
  • [7.1] Added support for keys in list() destructuring. The `List` subnode `vars` has been renamed to `items` and now contains `ArrayItem`s instead of plain variables.
  • [7.1] Added support for multi-catch. The `Catch` subnode `type` has been renamed to `types` and is now an array of `Name`s.
  • `Name::slice()` now supports lengths and negative offsets. This brings it in line with `array_slice()` functionality.


Due to PHP 7.1 support additions described above, the node structure changed as follows:

  • `void` and `iterable` types are now stored as strings if the PHP 7 parser is used.
  • The `ClassConst` constructor changed to accept an additional `flags` subnode.
  • The `Array` subnode `items` may now contain `null` elements (destructuring).
  • The `List` subnode `vars` has been renamed to `items` and now contains `ArrayItem`s instead of plain variables.
  • The `Catch` subnode `type` has been renamed to `types` and is now an array of `Name`s.

Additionally the following changes were made:

  • The `type` subnode on `Class`, `ClassMethod` and `Property` has been renamed to `flags`. The `type` subnode has retained for backwards compatibility and is populated to the same value as `flags`. However, writes to `type` will not update `flags`.
  • The `TryCatch` subnode `finallyStmts` has been replaced with a `finally` subnode that holds an explicit `Finally` node. This allows for more accurate attribute assignment.
  • The `Trait` constructor now has the same form as the `Class` and `Interface` constructors: It takes an array of subnodes. Unlike classes/interfaces, traits can only have a `stmts` subnode.
  • The `NodeDumper` now prints class/method/property/constant modifiers, as well as the include and use type in a textual representation, instead of only showing the number.
  • All methods on `PrettyPrinter\Standard` are now protected. Previoulsy most of them were public.


  • Removed support for running on PHP 5.4. It is however still possible to parse PHP 5.2-5.4 code while running on a newer version.
  • The deprecated `Comment::setLine()` and `Comment::setText()` methods have been removed.
  • The deprecated `Name::set()`, `Name::setFirst()` and `Name::setLast()` methods have been removed.

Version 2.1.1 (2016-09-16)


  • The pretty printer will now escape all control characters in the range `\x00-\x1F` inside double quoted strings. If no special escape sequence is available, an octal escape will be used.
  • The quality of the error recovery has been improved. In particular unterminated expressions should be handled more gracefully.
  • The PHP 7 parser will now generate a parse error for `$var =& new Obj` assignments.
  • Comments on free-standing code blocks will no be retained as comments on the first statement in the code block.

Version 2.1.0 (2016-04-19)


  • Properly support `B""` strings (with uppercase `B`) in a number of places.
  • Fixed reformatting of indented parts in a certain non-standard comment style.


  • Added `dumpComments` option to node dumper, to enable dumping of comments associated with nodes.
  • Added `Stmt\Nop` node, that is used to collect comments located at the end of a block or at the end of a file (without a following node with which they could otherwise be associated).
  • Added `kind` attribute to `Expr\Exit` to distinguish between `exit` and `die`.
  • Added `kind` attribute to `Scalar\LNumber` to distinguish between decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers.
  • Added `kind` attribtue to `Expr\Array` to distinguish between `array()` and `[]`.
  • Added `kind` attribute to `Scalar\String` and `Scalar\Encapsed` to distinguish between single-quoted, double-quoted, heredoc and nowdoc string.
  • Added `docLabel` attribute to `Scalar\String` and `Scalar\Encapsed`, if it is a heredoc or nowdoc string.
  • Added start file offset information to `Comment` nodes.
  • Added `setReturnType()` method to function and method builders.
  • Added `-h` and `--help` options to `php-parse` script.


  • Invalid octal literals now throw a parse error in PHP 7 mode.
  • The pretty printer takes all the new attributes mentioned in the previous section into account.
  • The protected `AbstractPrettyPrinter::pComments()` method no longer returns a trailing newline.
  • The bundled autoloader supports library files being stored in a different directory than `PhpParser` for easier downstream distribution.


  • The `Comment::setLine()` and `Comment::setText()` methods have been deprecated. Construct new objects instead.


  • The internal (but public) method `Scalar\LNumber::parse()` has been removed. A non-internal `LNumber::fromString()` method has been added instead.

Version 2.0.1 (2016-02-28)


  • `declare() {}` and `declare();` are not semantically equivalent and will now result in different ASTs. The format case will have an empty `stmts` array, while the latter will set `stmts` to `null`.
  • Magic constants are now supported as semi-reserved keywords.
  • A shebang line like `#!/usr/bin/env php` is now allowed at the start of a namespaced file. Previously this generated an exception.
  • The `prettyPrintFile()` method will not strip a trailing `?>` from the raw data that follows a `__halt_compiler()` statement.
  • The `prettyPrintFile()` method will not strip an opening `<?php` if the file starts with a comment followed by InlineHTML.

Version 2.0.0 (2015-12-04)


  • String parts of encapsed strings are now represented using `Scalar\EncapsStringPart` nodes. Previously raw strings were used. This affects the `parts` child of `Scalar\Encaps` and `Expr\ShellExec`. The change has been done to allow assignment of attributes to encapsed string parts.

Version 2.0.0-beta1 (2015-10-21)


  • Fixed issue with too many newlines being stripped at the end of heredoc/nowdoc strings in some cases. (#227)


  • Update group use support to be in line with recent PHP 7.0 builds.
  • Renamed `php-parse.php` to `php-parse` and registered it as a composer bin.
  • Use composer PSR-4 autoloader instead of custom autoloader.
  • Specify phpunit as a dev dependency.


  • Added `shortArraySyntax` option to pretty printer, to print all arrays using short syntax.

Version 2.0.0-alpha1 (2015-07-14)

A more detailed description of backwards incompatible changes can be found in the upgrading guide.


  • Removed support for running on PHP 5.3. It is however still possible to parse PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3 code while running on a newer version.
  • Removed legacy class name aliases. This includes the old non-namespaced class names and the old names for classes that were renamed for PHP 7 compatibility.
  • Removed support for legacy node format. All nodes must have a `getSubNodeNames()` method now.


  • Added support for remaining PHP 7 features that were not present in 1.x: * Group use declarations. These are represented using `Stmt\GroupUse` nodes. Furthermore a `type` attribute was added to `Stmt\UseUse` to handle mixed group use declarations. * Uniform variable syntax. * Generalized yield operator. * Scalar type declarations. These are presented using `'bool'`, `'int'`, `'float'` and `'string'` as the type. The PHP 5 parser also accepts these, however they'll be `Name` instances there. * Unicode escape sequences.
  • Added `PhpParser\ParserFactory` class, which should be used to create parser instances.
  • Added `Name::concat()` which concatenates two names.
  • Added `Name->slice()` which takes a subslice of a name.


  • `PhpParser\Parser` is now an interface, implemented by `Parser\Php5`, `Parser\Php7` and `Parser\Multiple`. The `Multiple` parser will try multiple parsers, until one succeeds.
  • Token constants are now defined on `PhpParser\Parser\Tokens` rather than `PhpParser\Parser`.
  • The `Name->set()`, `Name->append()`, `Name->prepend()` and `Name->setFirst()` methods are deprecated in favor of `Name::concat()` and `Name->slice()`.
  • The `NodeTraverser` no longer clones nodes by default. The old behavior can be restored by passing `true` to the constructor.
  • The constructor for `Scalar` nodes no longer has a default value. E.g. `new LNumber()` should now be written as `new LNumber(0)`.

This changelog only includes changes from the 2.0 series. For older changes see the 1.x series changelog and the 0.9 series changelog.