For use the class it is necessary to:
1) create a tree as
| |--template.tpl
| |--template2.txt
| |--template3.tpl
| |--arial.ttf (NB: this file in not in the package)
| |--calendar.core.js
| |--form.class.php
| |--db.conf.php
| |--captcha_xxx_124.php
| |--captcha.class.php
NB: the file arial.ttf is not in the package. You need to copy from your font directory.
2) edit the file /class/db.conf.php and insert yor data for access to mysql database server
3) launch the db.sql: the script create the table example.
4) open in your webserver (i.e.:localhost) the file index.
The script work with this features:
if you call a page withut a querystring, the code create a new record in the table you set.
If you call the page with a querystring (name of the key field and your value, example index.php?id=1) the cpde update the value of the selected record
For build a query you need
//insert the db code
//insert the class code
//create instance
$Modulo = new Form();
//set the table for work
//set the name of the form
//set the html code after the label
//activate the javascript validation (client side)
//set the value of the field and if the field is required (this feature with the string Needed as last argument)
$Modulo->labelField("note","Notes","Needed") ;
.... for each field
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$Modulo->registerValidation("required",".+","The field is needed");
.... for each method you want
//apply the validation method to the fields: in this example you want to validate the field note, using the method named "required" and if the validation not suces you print a text as you set in the last argument
$Modulo->validatejava("regExp","note","required","Notes: The field is needed!");
..... for each field you want
//this method load the values (Don't modify)
//this method perform the insert/update in the db ONLY if the server validation is succes
//if not any error you get a success and you work any other code: a echo message or you send an mail
if ($Modulo->success)
echo "OK";//code if the success insert
mail (......);
//add the input html field with the add_campi method
"val"=> $campo['note'],
"cols"=>"80")) ;
// THE METHOD require 3 argument: the first is the name of the text to replace in the template file
// the second is the type of HTML field you want (see the documentation class for alla forms input);
// the last argument is an array: the name, the value of the field is created (see the example)
.... for each html input you want
//add a string to the template to replace the tag named pippo
$Modulo->add_php("pippo","This is a test string");
//finally create the form with the render method: the name of the template is needed