var CalendarPopup_curCalendar = '';
var CalendarPopup_curCalendarID = '';
var CalendarPopup_curMonthYear = '';
var CalendarPopup_selMonth = '';
var CalendarPopup_selYear = '';
if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') { document.captureEvents(Event.CLICK); }
function scrivi_data_odierna(tipo){
//con tipo=2 scrive la data in formato gg/mm/yyyy
//con tipo=1 scrive in formato mm/dd/yyyy
var oggi = new Date();
var data = "";
if (tipo==2)
data+=oggi.getDate()<10?"0"+oggi.getDate()+" ":oggi.getDate()+"/";
} else {
data+=oggi.getDate()<10?"0"+oggi.getDate()+" ":oggi.getDate()+"/";
return data;
function CalendarPopup_Up_LostFocus(e) { CalendarPopup_Up_HideNonCurrentCalendar('', ''); }
function CalendarPopup_Up_Holiday(month, day, year, span) {
this.Month = month;
this.Day = day;
this.Year = year;
this.Span = span;
function CalendarPopup_Up_IsHoliday(month, day, year, dateArray) {
var returnVal = false;
if(dateArray == null) {
returnVal = false;
} else {
for(var i=0; i<dateArray.length; i++)
if(dateArray[i].Month == (month + 1) && dateArray[i].Day == day && (dateArray[i].Year == year || dateArray[i].Span)) {
returnVal = true;
i = dateArray.length;
} else {
returnVal = false;
return returnVal;
function CalendarPopup_Up_GiornoLinkabile(month, day, year,valori) {
//stabilisce se una data č riferita ad un giorno della settimana che l'utente vuole sia linkabile
//restituisce vero o falso
var returnVal = false;
var giorno=new Date(year,month,day);
for(var i=0; i<valori.length; i++)
returnVal = true;
return returnVal;
function CalendarPopup_Up_GiornoLinkabile2(month, day, year,valori) {
//stabilisce se una data č riferita ad un giorno della settimana che l'utente vuole sia linkabile
//restituisce vero o falso
month_lang=new Array('january','february','march','april','may','june','july','august','september','october','november','december');
var returnVal = false;
//alert (month_lang[month-1]);
stringa=month_lang[month-1]+ " "+ day+", "+ year;
var giorno=new Date(stringa);
for(var i=0; i<valori.length; i++)
returnVal = true;
return returnVal;
//return giorno.getDay();
function CalendarPopup_Up_findPosX(obj)
var curleft = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent)
while (obj.offsetParent)
curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
obj = obj.offsetParent;
else if (obj.x) {
curleft += obj.x;
return curleft;
function CalendarPopup_Up_findPosY(obj)
var curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent)
while (obj.offsetParent)
curtop += obj.offsetTop;
obj = obj.offsetParent;
else if (obj.y)
curtop += obj.y;
return curtop;
function CalendarPopup_Up_DisplayCalendar(giorni,calIdFlag, tbName, lblName, lblTemp, divName, myName, funcName, myFuncName, wdStyle, weStyle, omStyle, sdStyle, mhStyle, dhStyle, cdStyle, tdStyle, gttStyle, holStyle, formatNum, monthnames, daynames, fdweek, sunNum, satNum, enableHide, includeYears, lBound, uBound, btnName, locQuad, pad, postbackFunc, offsetX, offsetY, showClear, clearText, showGoToToday, goToTodayText, arrowUrl, customFunc, calWidth, visibleKey, nullText, dateArray, nextMonthImgUrl, prevMonthImgUrl, nextYearImgUrl, prevYearImgUrl) {
var div, tb;
CalendarPopup_curCalendarID = calIdFlag;
div = document.getElementById(divName);
tb = document.getElementById(tbName);
if(div.style.visibility != 'hidden') {
div.style.visibility = 'hidden';
} else {
var todayDate = CalendarPopup_Up_GetDate(tbName, formatNum);
eval('var stringDate = ' + visibleKey + ';');
CalendarPopup_Up_HideNonCurrentCalendar(divName, myName)
div.style.position = 'absolute';
var obj;
if(lblTemp != '')
obj = document.getElementById(lblTemp);
else if(lblName != '')
obj = document.getElementById(lblName);
obj = tb;
var y = CalendarPopup_Up_findPosY(obj);
var x = CalendarPopup_Up_findPosX(obj);
switch(locQuad) {
case 1:
y += (obj.offsetHeight + 1);
case 2:
x -= (div.offsetWidth - 2);
case 3:
x += (obj.offsetWidth + 1);
case 4:
y -= (div.offsetHeight - 1);
y = CalendarPopup_Up_findPosY(document.getElementById(btnName));
x = CalendarPopup_Up_findPosX(document.getElementById(btnName)) - 3;
div.style.top = y + offsetY + 'px';
div.style.left = x + offsetX + 'px';
CalendarPopup_Up_DisplayCalendarByDate(giorni,tbName, lblName, divName, myName, funcName, myFuncName, stringDate, wdStyle, weStyle, omStyle, sdStyle, mhStyle, dhStyle, cdStyle, tdStyle, gttStyle, holStyle, formatNum, monthnames, daynames, fdweek, sunNum, satNum, enableHide, includeYears, lBound, uBound, pad, postbackFunc, showClear, clearText, showGoToToday, goToTodayText, arrowUrl, customFunc, calWidth, visibleKey, nullText, dateArray, nextMonthImgUrl, prevMonthImgUrl, nextYearImgUrl, prevYearImgUrl);
div.style.visibility = 'visible';
function CalendarPopup_Up_ChangeMonth(selMonth, lbDate, ubDate) {
if(document.getElementById('CalendarPopup_monthname' + selMonth).style.color == 'black') {
for(var i=0; i<12; i++) {
if(i != selMonth)
document.getElementById('CalendarPopup_monthname' + i).style.background='white';
document.getElementById('CalendarPopup_monthname' + i).style.background='lightgrey';
CalendarPopup_selMonth = selMonth++;
function CalendarPopup_Up_ChangeYear(selYear, yearNum, lbDate, ubDate) {
var lowerDate = new Date(lbDate);
var upperDate = new Date(ubDate);
lowerDate = new Date((lowerDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/1/' + lowerDate.getFullYear());
for(var i=0; i<10; i++) {
if(i != selYear)
document.getElementById('CalendarPopup_yearname' + i).style.background='white';
document.getElementById('CalendarPopup_yearname' + i).style.background='lightgrey';
for(var i=0; i<12; i++) {
var curDate = new Date((i + 1) + '/1/' + yearNum);
if(curDate < lowerDate || curDate > upperDate)
document.getElementById('CalendarPopup_monthname' + i).style.color = 'gray';
document.getElementById('CalendarPopup_monthname' + i).style.color = 'black';
document.getElementById('CalendarPopup_monthname' + i).style.background = 'white';
var curDate = new Date((CalendarPopup_selMonth + 1) + '/1/' + yearNum);
if(curDate <= lowerDate)
CalendarPopup_selMonth = lowerDate.getMonth();
else if(curDate >= upperDate)
CalendarPopup_selMonth = upperDate.getMonth();
document.getElementById('CalendarPopup_monthname' + CalendarPopup_selMonth).style.background = 'lightgrey';
CalendarPopup_selYear = yearNum;
function CalendarPopup_Up_ChangeMonthYear(divName, funcName, isCancel) {
if(!isCancel) {
eval(funcName + "('" + (CalendarPopup_selMonth + 1) + "/1/" + CalendarPopup_selYear + "');");
document.getElementById(divName).style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById(divName).innerHTML = '';
document.onmousedown = CalendarPopup_Up_LostFocus;
function CalendarPopup_Up_DisplayMonthYear(calDivName, myDivName, funcName, myFuncName, monthnames, theDate, applyText, cancelText, lbDate, ubDate) {
var calDIV = document.getElementById(calDivName);
var myDIV = document.getElementById(myDivName);
var curDate = new Date(theDate);
var lowerDate = new Date(lbDate);
var upperDate = new Date(ubDate);
lowerDate = new Date((lowerDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/1/' + lowerDate.getFullYear());
CalendarPopup_selMonth = curDate.getMonth();
if(curDate < lowerDate)
CalendarPopup_selMonth = lowerDate.getMonth();
else if(curDate > upperDate)
CalendarPopup_selMonth = upperDate.getMonth();
CalendarPopup_selYear = curDate.getFullYear();
outputString = '<table style=\"border: black 1px solid;background: white;\" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>';
outputString = outputString + '<tr><td width=50% valign=top><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>';
//stampa i mesi
for(var i=0; i<12; i++) {
if(i % 2 == 0)
outputString = outputString + '<tr>';
var tempDate = new Date((i + 1) + '/1/' + CalendarPopup_selYear);
if(tempDate >= lowerDate && tempDate <= upperDate) {
if(i == CalendarPopup_selMonth)
outputString = outputString + "<td id=\"CalendarPopup_monthname" + i + "\" onclick=\"CalendarPopup_Up_ChangeMonth(" + i + ", '" + lbDate + "', '" + ubDate + "')\" align=left nowrap style=\"font-family:verdana; font-size:xx-small; color: black;background:lightgrey; cursor:hand;\">" + monthnames[i] + "</td>";
outputString = outputString + "<td id=\"CalendarPopup_monthname" + i + "\" onclick=\"CalendarPopup_Up_ChangeMonth(" + i + ", '" + lbDate + "', '" + ubDate + "')\" align=left nowrap style=\"font-family:verdana; font-size:xx-small; color: black; cursor:hand;\">" + monthnames[i] + "</td>";
} else {
outputString = outputString + "<td id=\"CalendarPopup_monthname" + i + "\" onclick=\"CalendarPopup_Up_ChangeMonth(" + i + ", '" + i + lbDate + "', '" + ubDate + "')\" align=left nowrap style=\"font-family:verdana; font-size:xx-small; color: gray; cursor:hand;\">" + monthnames[i] + "</td>";
if(i % 2 != 0)
outputString = outputString + '</tr>';
outputString = outputString + '</table></td><td width=50% valign=top><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 width=100%>';
var j = 0;
for(var i=(curDate.getFullYear() - 5); i<(curDate.getFullYear() + 5); i++) {
if(j % 2 == 0)
outputString = outputString + '<tr>';
if(i >= lowerDate.getFullYear() && i <= upperDate.getFullYear()) {
if(i == curDate.getFullYear())
outputString = outputString + "<td id=\"CalendarPopup_yearname" + j + "\" onclick=\"CalendarPopup_Up_ChangeYear(" + j + ", " + i + ", '" + lbDate + "', '" + ubDate + "')\" align=left nowrap style=\"font-family:verdana; font-size:xx-small;color: black;background: lightgrey; cursor:hand;\">" + i + "</td>";
outputString = outputString + "<td id=\"CalendarPopup_yearname" + j + "\" onclick=\"CalendarPopup_Up_ChangeYear(" + j + ", " + i + ", '" + lbDate + "', '" + ubDate + "')\" align=left nowrap style=\"font-family:verdana; font-size:xx-small;color: black; cursor:hand;\">" + i + "</td>";
} else {
outputString = outputString + "<td id=\"CalendarPopup_yearname" + j + "\" align=left nowrap style=\"font-family:verdana; font-size:xx-small;color: gray; cursor:hand;\">" + i + "</td>";
if(j % 2 != 0)
outputString = outputString + '</tr>';
outputString = outputString + "<tr><td align=left><a style=\"font-family:verdana; font-size:xx-small; color: black;\" href=\"javascript:" + myFuncName + "((CalendarPopup_selMonth + 1) + '/" + curDate.getDate() + "/" + (curDate.getFullYear() - 10) + "')\"><<</a></td>";
outputString = outputString + "<td align=right><a style=\"font-family:verdana; font-size:xx-small; color: black;\" href=\"javascript:" + myFuncName + "((CalendarPopup_selMonth + 1) + '/" + curDate.getDate() + "/" + (curDate.getFullYear() + 10) + "')\">>></a></td></tr>";
outputString = outputString + '</table></td></tr>';
outputString = outputString + "<tr><td colspan=2 align=right nowrap><input onclick=\"CalendarPopup_Up_ChangeMonthYear('" + myDivName + "', '" + funcName + "', false);\" type=button value=\"" + applyText + "\" style=\"font-family:verdana; font-size:xx-small\"><input onclick=\"CalendarPopup_Up_ChangeMonthYear('" + myDivName + "', '" + funcName + "', true);\" type=button value=\"" + cancelText + "\" style=\"font-family:verdana; font-size:xx-small\"></td></tr>";
myDIV.style.position = 'absolute';
myDIV.style.top = parseInt(calDIV.style.top.replace('px', '')) + 2;
myDIV.style.left = parseInt(calDIV.style.left.replace('px', '')) + 2;
myDIV.innerHTML = outputString;
myDIV.style.visibility = 'visible';
function CalendarPopup_Up_HideNonCurrentCalendar(divName, myName) {
if(CalendarPopup_curMonthYear != '') {
document.getElementById(CalendarPopup_curMonthYear).style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById(CalendarPopup_curMonthYear).innerHTML = '';
if(CalendarPopup_curCalendar != '') {
document.getElementById(CalendarPopup_curCalendar).style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById(CalendarPopup_curCalendar).innerHTML = '';
if(eval(CalendarPopup_curCalendarID) == true)
if(divName != '')
CalendarPopup_curCalendar = divName;
if(myName != '')
CalendarPopup_curMonthYear = myName;
function CalendarPopup_Up_GetDate(tbName, formatNum) {
var todayDate;
if(document.getElementById(tbName).value != '') {
var theDate;
var theDateArr = document.getElementById(tbName).value.split("/");
if(theDateArr.length != 3) {
theDateArr = document.getElementById(tbName).value.split(".");
if(theDateArr.length != 3)
theDateArr = document.getElementById(tbName).value.split("-");
if(theDateArr.length == 3) {
switch(formatNum) {
case 1: // In: MM/DD/YYYY Out: MM/DD/YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[0].concat("/").concat(theDateArr[1]).concat("/").concat(theDateArr[2]);
case 2: // In: DD/MM/YYYY Out: MM/DD/YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[1].concat("/").concat(theDateArr[0]).concat("/").concat(theDateArr[2]);
case 3: // In: YYYY/MM/DD Out: MM/DD/YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[1].concat("/").concat(theDateArr[2]).concat("/").concat(theDateArr[0]);
case 4: // In MM.DD.YYYY Out: MM.DD.YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[0].concat("/").concat(theDateArr[1]).concat("/").concat(theDateArr[2]);
case 5: // In DD.MM.YYYY Out: MM.DD.YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[1].concat("/").concat(theDateArr[0]).concat("/").concat(theDateArr[2]);
case 6: // In YYYY.MM.DD Out: MM.DD.YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[1].concat("/").concat(theDateArr[2]).concat("/").concat(theDateArr[0]);
case 7: // In MM-DD-YYYY Out: MM-DD-YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[0].concat("/").concat(theDateArr[1]).concat("/").concat(theDateArr[2]);
case 8: // In DD-MM-YYYY Out: MM-DD-YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[1].concat("/").concat(theDateArr[0]).concat("/").concat(theDateArr[2]);
case 9: // In YYYY-MM-DD Out: MM-DD-YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[1].concat("/").concat(theDateArr[2]).concat("/").concat(theDateArr[0]);
todayDate = new Date(theDate);
if(todayDate == NaN)
todayDate = new Date();
} else
todayDate = new Date();
} else
todayDate = new Date();
return todayDate;
function CalendarPopup_Up_ShowHideDDL(visibility) {
for(j=0;j<document.forms.length; j++) {
for(i=0;i<document.forms[j].elements.length;i++) {
if(document.forms[j].elements[i].type != null) {
if(document.forms[j].elements[i].type.indexOf('select') == 0)
document.forms[j].elements[i].style.visibility = visibility;
function CalendarPopup_Up_DisplayCalendarByDate(giorni,tbName, lblName, divName, myName, funcName, myFuncName, stringDate, wdStyle, weStyle, omStyle, sdStyle, mhStyle, dhStyle, cdStyle, tdStyle, gttStyle, holStyle, formatNum, monthnames, daynames, fdweek, sunNum, satNum, enableHide, includeYears, lBound, uBound, pad, postbackFunc, showClear, clearText, showGoToToday, goToTodayText, arrowUrl, customFunc, calWidth, visibleKey, nullText, dateArray, nextMonthImgUrl, prevMonthImgUrl, nextYearImgUrl, prevYearImgUrl) {
// this function of core is edit for link not all days of weeks
var dateToday = new Date();
var lowerDate = new Date(lBound);
var upperDate = new Date(uBound);
var todayDate = new Date(stringDate);
var curDate = new Date(CalendarPopup_Up_GetDate(tbName, formatNum));
var curMonth = curDate.getMonth();
var curYear = curDate.getFullYear();
var monthdays = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
if (((thisyear % 4 == 0) && !(thisyear % 100 == 0)) ||(thisyear % 400 == 0))
var outputString = '';
var prevMonth = thismonth;
var prevDay = thisdate;
var prevYear = thisyear;
var thisPreviousYear = thisyear - 1;
var thisNextYear = thisyear + 1;
if(prevMonth < 1) {
prevMonth = 12;
prevYear = prevYear - 1;
if(thisdate > monthdays[prevMonth - 1])
prevDay = monthdays[prevMonth - 1];
var nextMonth = thismonth + 2;
var nextDay = thisdate;
var nextYear = thisyear;
if(nextMonth > 12) {
nextMonth = 1;
nextYear = nextYear + 1;
if(thisdate > monthdays[nextMonth - 1])
nextDay = monthdays[nextMonth - 1];
while (startspaces > 7)
startspaces = thisday - startspaces + 1;
startspaces = startspaces - fdweek;
if (startspaces < 0)
outputString = outputString + '<table';
if(calWidth > 0)
outputString = outputString + ' width=\"' + calWidth + 'px\"';
outputString = outputString + ' style=\"border: black 1px solid;\" border=0 cellspacing=0px cellpadding=2px>';
if (includeYears == false) {
if(prevMonthImgUrl == '')
outputString = outputString + "<tr " + mhStyle + "><td align=center><a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "('" + prevMonth + "/" + prevDay + "/" + prevYear + "')\"><</a></td>";
outputString = outputString + "<tr " + mhStyle + "><td align=center><a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "('" + prevMonth + "/" + prevDay + "/" + prevYear + "')\"><img src=\"" + prevMonthImgUrl + "\" border=0></a></td>";
} else {
if(prevMonthImgUrl == '')
outputString = outputString + "<tr " + mhStyle + "><td align=center><a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "('" + prevMonth + "/" + prevDay+ "/" + prevYear + "')\"><</a><br>";
outputString = outputString + "<tr " + mhStyle + "><td align=center><a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "('" + prevMonth + "/" + prevDay+ "/" + prevYear + "')\"><img src=\"" + prevMonthImgUrl + "\" border=0></a><br>";
if(prevYearImgUrl == '')
outputString = outputString + "<a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "('" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + thisdate + "/" + thisPreviousYear + "')\"><<</a></td>";
outputString = outputString + "<a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "('" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + thisdate + "/" + thisPreviousYear + "')\"><img src=\"" + prevYearImgUrl + "\" border=0></a></td>";
outputString = outputString + '<td colspan=5 nowrap align=center ' +mhStyle + "><a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + myFuncName + "('" + (thismonth + 1) + "/1/" + thisyear + "')\">" + monthnames[thismonth] + ' ' + thisyear;
if(arrowUrl != "")
outputString = outputString + ' <img src=\"' + arrowUrl + '\" border=0>';
outputString = outputString + '</a></td>';
if (includeYears == false) {
if(nextMonthImgUrl == '')
outputString = outputString + "<td align=center><a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "('" + nextMonth + "/" + nextDay + "/" + nextYear + "')\">></a></td></tr>";
outputString = outputString + "<td align=center><a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "('" + nextMonth + "/" + nextDay + "/" + nextYear + "')\"><img src=\"" + nextMonthImgUrl + "\" border=0></a></td></tr>";
} else {
if(nextMonthImgUrl == '')
outputString = outputString + "<td align=center><a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "('" + nextMonth + "/" + nextDay+ "/" + nextYear + "')\">></a><br>";
outputString = outputString + "<td align=center><a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "('" + nextMonth + "/" + nextDay+ "/" + nextYear + "')\"><img src=\"" + nextMonthImgUrl + "\" border=0></a><br>";
if(nextYearImgUrl == '')
outputString = outputString + "<a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "('" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + thisdate + "/" + thisNextYear + "')\">>></a></td></tr>";
outputString = outputString + "<a " + mhStyle + " href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "('" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + thisdate + "/" + thisNextYear + "')\"><img src=\"" + nextYearImgUrl + "\" border=0></a></td></tr>";
//stampa i nomi dei giorni
outputString = outputString + '<tr>';
outputString = outputString + '<td ' + dhStyle + ' align=center>' + daynames[0] + '</td>';
outputString = outputString + '<td ' + dhStyle + ' align=center>' + daynames[1] + '</td>';
outputString = outputString + '<td ' + dhStyle + ' align=center>' + daynames[2] + '</td>';
outputString = outputString + '<td ' + dhStyle + ' align=center>' + daynames[3] + '</td>';
outputString = outputString + '<td ' + dhStyle + ' align=center>' + daynames[4] + '</td>';
outputString = outputString + '<td ' + dhStyle + ' align=center>' + daynames[5] + '</td>';
outputString = outputString + '<td ' + dhStyle + ' align=center>' + daynames[6] + '</td>';
outputString = outputString + '</tr>';
//stampa i giorni cioč i numeri dei mesi prima e dopo
for (s=0;s<startspaces;s++)
var theDate, month, year;
if(thismonth == 0) {
theDate = monthdays[11] - (startspaces - (s + 1));
month = 12;
year = thisyear - 1;
} else {
theDate = monthdays[thismonth - 1] - (startspaces - (s + 1));
month = thismonth;
year = thisyear;
var theCurDate = new Date(month + "/" + theDate + "/" + year);
var lowerAmount = (lowerDate - theCurDate);
var upperAmount = (theCurDate - upperDate);
if(s == 0)
outputString = outputString + '<tr>';
if((lowerAmount > 0 && upperAmount < 0) || (upperAmount > 0 && lowerAmount < 0)){
//stampa i giorni del mese prima PRIMA DELL'intervallo voluto
//outputString = outputString + "<td align=center " + omStyle + "\">" + theDate + "</td>";
outputString = outputString + "<td align=center " + omStyle + "\">" + "</td>";
}else if(s!=sunNum && s!=satNum){
//stampa i giorni FERIALI del mese prima ALL'INTERNO dell'intervallo voluto
/*if (CalendarPopup_Up_GiornoLinkabile2(thismonth, theDate, thisyear,giorni))
outputString = outputString + "<td align=center " + omStyle + "><a " + omStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + month + "/" + theDate + "/" + year + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + theDate + "</a></td>";
} else {
outputString = outputString + "<td align=center " + omStyle + ">" + theDate + "</td>";
outputString=outputString + "<td align=center " + omStyle + ">" + "</td>";
//outputString = outputString + "<td align=center " + omStyle + "><a " + omStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + month + "/" + theDate + "/" + year + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + theDate + "</a></td>";
//outputString = outputString + "<td align=center " + omStyle + ">" + theDate + "</td>";
//stampa i giorni FESTIVI del mese prima ALL'INTERNO l'intervallo voluto
/* if (CalendarPopup_Up_GiornoLinkabile2(thismonth, theDate, thisyear,giorni)) {
outputString = outputString + "<td align=center " + omStyle + "><a " + omStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + month + "/" + theDate + "/" + year + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + theDate + "</a></td>";
} else {
outputString = outputString + "<td align=center " + omStyle + ">" + theDate + "</td>";
outputString=outputString + "<td align=center " + omStyle + ">" + "</td>";
//outputString = outputString + "<td align=center " + omStyle + "><a " + omStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + month + "/" + theDate + "/" + year + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + theDate + "</a></td>";
//stampa i giorni della settimana nel mese
while (count <= monthdays[thismonth]) {
for (b = startspaces;b<7;b++) {
if(b == 0)
outputString = outputString + '<tr>';
if((thismonth == dateToday.getMonth() && count == dateToday.getDate() && thisyear == dateToday.getFullYear()) || (count==curDate.getDate() && thismonth == curMonth && thisyear == curYear && document.getElementById(tbName).value != '')) {
if (count==curDate.getDate() && thismonth == curMonth && thisyear == curYear && document.getElementById(tbName).value != '')
//stampa data selezionata
outputString = outputString + '<td align=center ' + sdStyle + '>';
else if(CalendarPopup_Up_IsHoliday(thismonth, count, thisyear, dateArray))
outputString = outputString + '<td align=center ' + holStyle + '>';
else if(thismonth == dateToday.getMonth() && count == dateToday.getDate() && thisyear == dateToday.getFullYear())
outputString = outputString + '<td align=center ' + tdStyle + '>';
} else {
if (count <= monthdays[thismonth]) {
if(CalendarPopup_Up_IsHoliday(thismonth, count, thisyear, dateArray)) {
outputString = outputString + '<td align=center ' + holStyle + '>';
} else {
if(b!=sunNum && b!=satNum) {
//giorni non del week end
outputString = outputString + '<td align=center ' + wdStyle + '>';
} else {
//giorni del week end
outputString = outputString + '<td align=center ' + weStyle + '>';
} else {
//giorni del week end DENTRO il mese dopo NELL'INTERVALLO VOLUTO
outputString = outputString + '<td align=center ' + omStyle + '>';
if (count <= monthdays[thismonth]) {
var theCurDate = new Date((thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear);
var lowerAmount = (lowerDate - theCurDate);
var upperAmount = (theCurDate - upperDate);
if((thismonth == dateToday.getMonth() && count == dateToday.getDate() && thisyear == dateToday.getFullYear()) || (count==curDate.getDate() && thismonth == curMonth && thisyear == curYear && document.getElementById(tbName).value != '')) {
if (count==curDate.getDate() && thismonth == curMonth && thisyear == curYear && document.getElementById(tbName).value != '') {
if((lowerAmount > 0 && upperAmount < 0) || (upperAmount > 0 && lowerAmount < 0))
outputString = outputString + "<span " + sdStyle + ">" + count + "</span>";
if (CalendarPopup_Up_GiornoLinkabile(thismonth, count, thisyear,giorni)) {
outputString = outputString + "<a " + sdStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + count + "</a>";
} else {
outputString = outputString + count ;
//outputString = outputString + "X<a " + sdStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + count + "</a>";
} else if(CalendarPopup_Up_IsHoliday(thismonth, count, thisyear, dateArray)) {
if((lowerAmount > 0 && upperAmount < 0) || (upperAmount > 0 && lowerAmount < 0))
outputString = outputString + "<span " + holStyle + ">" + count + "</span>";
outputString = outputString + "<a " + holStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + count + "</a>";
} else if(thismonth == dateToday.getMonth() && count == dateToday.getDate() && thisyear == dateToday.getFullYear()) {
if((lowerAmount > 0 && upperAmount < 0) || (upperAmount > 0 && lowerAmount < 0))
outputString = outputString + "<span " + tdStyle + ">" + count + "</span>";
if (CalendarPopup_Up_GiornoLinkabile(thismonth, count, thisyear,giorni)) {
outputString = outputString + "<a " + tdStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + count + "</a>";
outputString = outputString + count ;
//outputString = outputString + "X<a " + tdStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + count + "</a>";
} else if(CalendarPopup_Up_IsHoliday(thismonth, count, thisyear, dateArray)) {
if((lowerAmount > 0 && upperAmount < 0) || (upperAmount > 0 && lowerAmount < 0))
outputString = outputString + "<span " + holStyle + ">" + count + "</span>";
outputString = outputString + "<a " + holStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + count + "</a>";
} else if(b!=sunNum && b!=satNum && count != thisdate) {
if((lowerAmount > 0 && upperAmount < 0) || (upperAmount > 0 && lowerAmount < 0))
outputString = outputString + "<span " + wdStyle + ">" + count + "</span>";
if (CalendarPopup_Up_GiornoLinkabile(thismonth, count, thisyear,giorni)) {
outputString = outputString + "<a " + wdStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + count + "</a>";
outputString = outputString + count ;
//outputString = outputString + "X<a " + wdStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + count + "</a>";
} else if(b!=sunNum && b!=satNum) {
if((lowerAmount > 0 && upperAmount < 0) || (upperAmount > 0 && lowerAmount < 0))
outputString = outputString + "<span " + wdStyle + ">" + count + "</span>";
if (CalendarPopup_Up_GiornoLinkabile(thismonth, count, thisyear,giorni)) {
outputString = outputString + "<a " + wdStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + count + "</a>";
outputString = outputString + count ;
// outputString = outputString + "§<a " + wdStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + count + "</a>";
} else {
if((lowerAmount > 0 && upperAmount < 0) || (upperAmount > 0 && lowerAmount < 0))
outputString = outputString + "<span " + weStyle + ">" + count + "</span>";
if (CalendarPopup_Up_GiornoLinkabile(thismonth, count, thisyear,giorni)) {
outputString = outputString + "<a " + weStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + count + "</a>";
outputString = outputString + count ;
//outputString = outputString + "X<a " + weStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + (thismonth + 1) + "/" + count + "/" + thisyear + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + count + "</a>";
} else {
var month, year;
if(thismonth == 11) {
month = 1;
year = thisyear + 1;
} else {
month = thismonth + 2;
year = thisyear;
var theCurDate = new Date(month + "/" + (count - monthdays[thismonth]) + "/" + year);
var lowerAmount = (lowerDate - theCurDate);
var upperAmount = (theCurDate - upperDate);
if((lowerAmount > 0 && upperAmount < 0) || (upperAmount > 0 && lowerAmount < 0))
outputString = outputString + "<span " + omStyle + ">" + (count - monthdays[thismonth]) + "</span>";
outputString = outputString + "<a " +omStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + month + "/" + (count - monthdays[thismonth]) + "/" + year + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + "</a>";
/*if (CalendarPopup_Up_GiornoLinkabile(thismonth, count, thisyear,giorni)) {
outputString = outputString + "<a " +omStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + month + "/" + (count - monthdays[thismonth]) + "/" + year + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + (count - monthdays[thismonth]) + "</a>";
outputString = outputString + count ;
//outputString = outputString + "X<a " +omStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + month + "/" + (count - monthdays[thismonth]) + "/" + year + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + (count - monthdays[thismonth]) + "</a>";
outputString = outputString + '</td>';
outputString = outputString + '</tr>';
if(showGoToToday) {
var shortDate = (dateToday.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + dateToday.getDate() + "/" + dateToday.getFullYear();
outputString = outputString + "<tr><td " + gttStyle + " colspan=\"7\" align=\"center\">" + goToTodayText + " <a " + gttStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "','" + myName + "','" + shortDate + "', " + formatNum + ", " + enableHide + ", " + pad + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "')\">" + CalendarPopup_Up_DetermineDate(shortDate, formatNum, pad) + "</a>";
outputString = outputString + "<tr><td " + cdStyle + " colspan=\"7\" align=\"center\"><a " + cdStyle + " href=\"javascript:CalendarPopup_Up_ClearDate('" + tbName + "','" + lblName + "','" + divName + "', '" + myName + "', " + enableHide + ", '" + postbackFunc + "', '" + customFunc + "', '" + visibleKey + "', '" + nullText + "');\">" + clearText + "</a></td></tr>";
outputString = outputString + '</table>';
document.getElementById(divName).innerHTML = outputString;
function CalendarPopup_Up_DetermineDate(inDate, formatNum, pad) {
var theDateArr = inDate.split("/");
if(theDateArr.length != 3) {
theDateArr = document.getElementById(tbName).value.split(".");
if(theDateArr.length != 3) {
theDateArr = document.getElementById(tbName).value.split("-");
if(pad) {
if(parseInt(theDateArr[0]) < 10 && theDateArr[0].length == 1)
theDateArr[0] = '0' + theDateArr[0];
if(parseInt(theDateArr[1]) < 10 && theDateArr[1].length == 1)
theDateArr[1] = '0' + theDateArr[1];
if(parseInt(theDateArr[2]) < 10 && theDateArr[2].length == 1)
theDateArr[2] = '0' + theDateArr[2];
var theDate;
switch(formatNum) {
case 1: // In: MM/DD/YYYY Out: MM/DD/YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[0].concat("/").concat(theDateArr[1]).concat("/").concat(theDateArr[2]);
case 2: // In: MM/DD/YYYY Out: DD/MM/YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[1].concat("/").concat(theDateArr[0]).concat("/").concat(theDateArr[2]);
case 3: // In: MM/DD/YYYY Out: YYYY/MM/DD
theDate = theDateArr[2].concat("/").concat(theDateArr[0]).concat("/").concat(theDateArr[1]);
case 4: // In MM.DD.YYYY Out: MM.DD.YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[0].concat(".").concat(theDateArr[1]).concat(".").concat(theDateArr[2]);
case 5: // In MM.DD.YYYY Out: DD.MM.YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[1].concat(".").concat(theDateArr[0]).concat(".").concat(theDateArr[2]);
case 6: // In MM.DD.YYYY Out: YYYY.MM.DD
theDate = theDateArr[2].concat(".").concat(theDateArr[0]).concat(".").concat(theDateArr[1]);
case 7: // In MM-DD-YYYY Out: MM-DD-YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[0].concat("-").concat(theDateArr[1]).concat("-").concat(theDateArr[2]);
case 8: // In MM-DD-YYYY Out: DD-MM-YYYY
theDate = theDateArr[1].concat("-").concat(theDateArr[0]).concat("-").concat(theDateArr[2]);
case 9: // In MM-DD-YYYY Out: YYYY-MM-DD
theDate = theDateArr[2].concat("-").concat(theDateArr[0]).concat("-").concat(theDateArr[1]);
return theDate;
function CalendarPopup_Up_SelectDate(tbName, lblName, divName, myName, theDate, formatNum, enableHide, pad, postbackFunc, customFunc, visibleKey) {
document.getElementById(tbName).value = CalendarPopup_Up_DetermineDate(theDate, formatNum, pad);
if(lblName != '')
document.getElementById(lblName).innerHTML = CalendarPopup_Up_DetermineDate(theDate, formatNum, pad);
document.getElementById(divName).style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById(myName).style.visibility = 'hidden';
eval(postbackFunc + "();");
if(customFunc != "")
eval(customFunc + "('" + theDate + "', '" + tbName + "');");
eval(visibleKey + ' = \"' + theDate + '\";');
function CalendarPopup_Up_ClearDate(tbName, lblName, divName, myName, enableHide, postbackFunc, customFunc, visibleKey, nullText) {
var todayDate = new Date();
document.getElementById(tbName).value = '';
if(lblName != '')
document.getElementById(lblName).innerHTML = nullText;
document.getElementById(divName).style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById(myName).style.visibility = 'hidden';
eval(postbackFunc + "();");
if(customFunc != "")
eval(customFunc + "('', '" + tbName + "');");
eval(visibleKey + ' = \"' + (todayDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + todayDate.getDate() + '/' + todayDate.getFullYear() + '\";');
// -->