example usage
streetLayer ver 1.0
You must get an API key from https://streetlayer.com/product
and enter it in the streetlayer.class.php file
For more documentation, visit https://streetlayer.com/documentation
//turning off low level notices
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
//set your plan to diplay features associated with it.
//plans are free, basic, pro and enterprise
$plan = 'free';
//instantiate the class
$streetLayer = new streetLayer();
//set our endpoint
//defaults to the validate endpoint, but we will set it just to be safe
specify the address to validate
at a minimum, you must provide the required parameters
and one additional one.
valid parameters are:
address1 (required)
country_code (required) - can be the 2 or 3 digit country code
locality - you may also use 'city' as an alias
region - you may also use 'state' as an alias
postal_code - you may also use 'zip', 'zipcode', 'zip_code', 'postal_code'
$streetLayer->setParam('address1','725 5th Ave');
$streetLayer->setParam('locality','New York');
//get the response from the api
//the reponse property will contain the response returned from the api
echo '<h4>The validation request returned</h4>';
$success = ( $streetLayer->response->success === true ) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
echo 'Success: '. $success.'<br>';
echo 'Validated: '.$streetLayer->response->validation_status.'<br>';
echo 'The formatted address is:<br><br>';
foreach( $streetLayer->response->formatted_address as $addressLine ){
echo $addressLine.'<br>';
echo '<br>GPS Coordinate are<br><br>';
foreach( $streetLayer->response->coordinates as $key=>$value ){
echo $key.': '.$value.'<br>';
You can also use a second method to validate an address
valid parameter are:
text (required)
country_code (required)
$streetLayer->setParam('text','725 5th Ave New York, NY 10022');
//change our endpoint to use the address autocomplete
specify the address to autocomplete
at a minimum, you must provide the required parameters
pro and enterprise plans allow for the postal code to
return better results
valid parameters are:
text (required)
country_code (required)
postal_code - you may also use 'zip', 'zipcode', 'zip_code', 'postal_code'
$streetLayer->setParam('text','725 5th Ave New York');
if( $plan == 'pro' or $plan == 'enterprise' ){
//get the response from the api
echo '<h4>The autocomplete request returned</h4>';
$success = ( $streetLayer->response->success == true ) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
echo 'Success: '. $success.'<br>';
if( $success == 'Yes' ){
echo 'The formatted address choices are:<br><br>';
$count = 1;
foreach( $streetLayer->response->results as $address ){
echo $count.')<br>';
foreach( $address->formatted_address as $addressLine ){
if( empty($addressLine) ){continue;}
echo $addressLine.'<br>';
echo '<br>GPS Coordinate are<br><br>';
foreach( $address->coordinates as $key=>$value ){
if( empty($value) ){continue;}
echo $key.': '.$value.'<br>';
echo '<br>';
//change our endpoint to use the reverse geocode lookup
specify the coordinates
valid parameters are:
latitude (required) - you may also use 'lat'
lognitude (required) - you may also use 'lon' or 'long'
//get the response from the api
echo '<h4>The reverse geocode lookup returned</h4>';
$success = ( $streetLayer->response->success == true ) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
echo 'Success: '. $success.'<br>';
if( $success == 'Yes' ){
echo 'The formatted address choices are:<br><br>';
$count = 1;
foreach( $streetLayer->response->results as $address ){
echo $count.')<br>';
foreach( $address->formatted_address as $addressLine ){
if( empty($addressLine) ){continue;}
echo $addressLine.'<br>';
echo '<br>GPS Coordinate are<br><br>';
foreach( $address->coordinates as $key=>$value ){
if( empty($value) ){continue;}
echo $key.': '.$value.'<br>';
echo '<br>';