include("./highlight.class.php") ;
$demo = new Highlighter();
@$rech = $_POST['rech'] ;
$sentence = "<br><br>Each of the following questions begins with a sentence that has either one or two blanks.<br>
The blanks indicate that a piece of the sentence is missing. Each sentence is followed by five<br>
answer on the east side choices that consist of words or phrases. Select the answer choice that best completes the sentence<br>
Each of the following questions begins with a sentence that has either one or two blanks.<br>
The blanks indicate that a piece of the sentence is missing. Each sentence is followed by five<br>
answer on the east side choices that consist of words or phrases. Select the answer choice that best completes the sentence<br><br>" ;
if($demo->CheckSentence($sentence, $rech))
echo $demo->CheckSentence($sentence, $rech) ;
print($sentence) ;
print("<font style='color:black; background-color:red;'>Nothing match !!</font>") ;
print("<form action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."' method='POST'>") ;
print("Give me the word you are looking for : <input type='text' name='rech'> ") ;
print("<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Search'>") ;
print("</form>") ;