PHP Classes

Classes: PHP 5

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Classes using PHP 5 specific features.

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  1 - 20   ...   781 - 800   801 - 820   821 - 840   841 - 860   861 - 880   881 - 900   ...   6600 - 6605  
  Files folder image d3Jquery  
Author: Tom Schaefer <e-mail contact>
Generate JavaScript code to access jQuery

  Files folder image d3Prototype  
Author: Tom Schaefer <e-mail contact>
Generate JavaScript to use the Prototype framewor

  Files folder image d3Raphael  
Author: Tom Schaefer <e-mail contact>
Generate JavaScript to access RaphaelJS library

  Files folder image D3Ribbon Menu  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
July 2010

Prize: One yearly subscription to the PHP Solutions magazine
Author: Tufan Baris YILDIRIM <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML to display ribbon-like menus

  Files folder image DABAJAX Toolkit  
Author: adscript <e-mail contact>
Auto-complete fields with Oracle database data

  Files folder image Dados  
Author: Ivan Soares Ferrer <e-mail contact>
Show pagination links to list MySQL query results

  Files folder image Daemon Emulation  
Author: Grigori Kochanov <e-mail contact>
Create and manage daemon processes

  Files folder image Damerau Levenshtein  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2011
Number 5
Author: Ph4r05 <e-mail contact>
Get text similarity level with Damerau-Levenshtein

  Files folder image Danen Email  
Author: Gerry Danen <e-mail contact>
Compose and send text and HTML e-mail messages

  Files folder image Danen MySQL Backup  
Author: Gerry Danen <e-mail contact>
Create database backup SQL statements using MySQLi

  Files folder image Daniia  
Author: Carlos Garcia <e-mail contact>
Map objects to database table records

  Files folder image DAO for PHP  
Author: Ezhaym Najera M <e-mail contact>
Access data objects in a database using PDO

  Files folder image DaoOne  
Author: Jorge Castro <e-mail contact>
Access MySQL databases using the MySQLi extension

  Files folder image Dash Media Player  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2008
Number 5

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Travis Tidwell <e-mail contact>
Embed the Dash Media player in a Web page

  Files folder image DashOne  
Author: Jorge Castro <e-mail contact>
Compose and display a dashboard programmatically

  Files folder image DATA  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2007
Number 8

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Martin Alterisio <e-mail contact>
Access data stored in MySQL tables like arrays

  Files folder image Data Base Process  
Author: kamsmartx <e-mail contact>
Access records and manage MySQL database tables

  Files folder image Data base utility class  
Author: om prakash <e-mail contact>
Execute MySQL queries from lists of parameters

  Files folder image Data Dictionary  
Author: Sylvia Sotomayor <e-mail contact>
Output the structure of a MySQL database

  Files folder image Data Format  
Author: Gabor Ivan <e-mail contact>
Filter values of several types

  1 - 20   ...   781 - 800   801 - 820   821 - 840   841 - 860   861 - 880   881 - 900   ...   6600 - 6605  
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