PHP Classes

Classes: PHP 5

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Classes using PHP 5 specific features.

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  1 - 20   ...   2861 - 2880   2881 - 2900   2901 - 2920   2921 - 2940   2941 - 2960   2961 - 2980   ...   6600 - 6605  
  Files folder image Parser Class  
Author: vasinsky <e-mail contact>
Get and parse content using regular expressions

  Files folder image Parser geek  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2011
Number 9
Author: deathart <e-mail contact>
Convert text with the notation used by geeks

  Files folder image Parspal  
Author: Mostafa Soufi <e-mail contact>
Process and verify payments with Parspal API

  Files folder image Partner Locator Map...  
Author: Eric Jumba <e-mail contact>
Display a map of businesses on a WordPress page

  Files folder image Pascal  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2011
Number 8
Author: Edson Melo de Souza <e-mail contact>
Generate the triangle of Pascal with given rows

  Files folder image PassGen  
Author: Ricardo <e-mail contact>
Generate pronounceable passwords

  Files folder image Passport MRZ Information...  
Author: Ahmed Abdulla <e-mail contact>
Crop images using coordinates defined by the user

  Files folder image Password  
Author: Aleksey V. Zapparov <e-mail contact>
Generate passwords based on rules

  Files folder image Password format validator  
Author: Mick Sear <e-mail contact>
Check whether passwords meet security requirements

  Files folder image Password generator and checker  
Author: Rafal Przetakowski <e-mail contact>
Generate or check passwords with certain rules

  Files folder image Password Generator Class  
Author: Daniel Tlach <e-mail contact>
Generate passwords with given requirements

  Files folder image PasteBin API  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2012
Number 10
Author: Oleg KronuS <e-mail contact>
Create and list text snippets sent to PasteBin

  Files folder image Path  
Author: Rémy Sanchez <e-mail contact>
Manipulate file and directory path strings

  Files folder image Path finder  
Author: Kristo Vaher <e-mail contact>
Find the shortest path in a map

  Files folder image Path To XML  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Generate XML from directory listing

  Files folder image Paul's PHP Form Class  
Author: Paul M. Foster <e-mail contact>
Compose and display HTML forms in Web pages

  Files folder image PAX  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
August 2008

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Marius Zadara <e-mail contact>
Interpret XML command scripts with PHP classes

  Files folder image PayDirectly PHP  
Author: Asad Ali <e-mail contact>
Send HTTP requests to the PayDirectly API

  Files folder image Payment Gateway Library  
Author: Md Emran Hasan <e-mail contact>
Accept payments with Paypal, and 2CO

  Files folder image Paypal Class  
Author: azizny <e-mail contact>
Create buttons and process Paypal payments

  1 - 27   ...   3862 - 3888   3889 - 3915   3916 - 3942   3943 - 3969   3970 - 3996   3997 - 4023   ...   6588 - 6605  
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