PHP Classes

Classes: PHP 5

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Classes using PHP 5 specific features.

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  1 - 20   ...   2401 - 2420   2421 - 2440   2441 - 2460   2461 - 2480   2481 - 2500   2501 - 2520   ...   6600 - 6605  
  Files folder image mezon PHP Template Engine  
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Process templates to generate HTML Web pages

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Utility Function  
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Useful general purpose functions to use in PHP

  Files folder image mezon PHP WebService Client  
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Send call to Web service registered in a directory

  Files folder image Mezon Record Field  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2021
Number 8
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Create form fields to edit values stored remotely

  Files folder image Mezon Remote Field  
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Form inputs to edit values got from a CRUD service

  Files folder image Mezon Request Router...  
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Fetch the current HTTP request router parameter

  Files folder image Mezon REST Exception  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2021
Number 7
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Exception class to use in REST APIs applications

  Files folder image Mezon Security Provider  
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Store authenticated user data using sessions

  Files folder image Mezon Service  
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Implement Web services routing requests to classes

  Files folder image Mezon Service Logic  
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Implements the logic of service components

  Files folder image Mezon Service PHP API Client  
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Send HTTP requests to remote service APIs

  Files folder image Mezon Variadic Model  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2022
Number 3
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Set model objects implemented with services

  Files folder image mezon-security  
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Validate uploaded files using multiple rules

  Files folder image MG's TreeView  
Author: Andrea Del Santo <e-mail contact>
Display list of elements of nested menus

  Files folder image MH_Widget  
Author: Matteo Hertel <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML for embedded widgets from parameters

  Files folder image MicroPHP Framework  
Author: Oleg Lunegov <e-mail contact>
MVC framework for Web or command line applications

  Files folder image Middleware  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2016
Number 3

Prize: One ebook of choice by Packt
Author: Jeremiah Ogbomo <e-mail contact>
Run queued processes using the middleware pattern

  Files folder image MIDI Composer  
Author: De Rosa Luigi <e-mail contact>
Compose songs and save them in MIDI format

  Files folder image Mikrotik  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2018
Number 5
Author: Fernando <e-mail contact>
Manipulate data of Mikrotik servers

  Files folder image MIME mail parser  
Author: Peter Kahl <e-mail contact>
Parse and extract contents of MIME email message

  1 - 27   ...   3241 - 3267   3268 - 3294   3295 - 3321   3322 - 3348   3349 - 3375   3376 - 3402   ...   6588 - 6605  
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