PHP Classes

Classes: Math

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Math related classes..

  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   I   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   X   Z  
  1 - 20   21 - 40   41 - 60   61 - 80   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   161 - 165  
  Files folder image Math Replace  
Author: Juares Vermelho <e-mail contact>
Evaluates and replace math expressions in text

  Files folder image Matrix  
Author: Diego Carrera <e-mail contact>
Perform operations with matrices

  Files folder image Matrix algebra  
Author: Ricardo Gamba <e-mail contact>
Perform operations with matrices

  Files folder image Matrix Multiplication  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2024
Number 6
Author: Busari Ridwan <e-mail contact>
Provide matrix multiplication as a Web service

  Files folder image Matrix new  
Author: Pier-André Bouchard St-Amant <e-mail contact>
Perform operations to manipulate matrices

  Files folder image Morpheus  
Author: Julian Finkler <e-mail contact>
Perform calculations with matrices

  Files folder image Multiplication Practice  
Author: Gary Fuller <e-mail contact>
Multiply and verify numbers taken from forms

  Files folder image Np PHP Matrix Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
June 2021
Author: Shubham Chaudhary <e-mail contact>
Manipulate matrices with Lapack and Blas libraries

  Files folder image Num2Txt  
Author: Antonio Leiva <e-mail contact>
Convert a number to Spanish text

  Files folder image Number  
Author: Mukhamad Ikhsan <e-mail contact>
Do math operations on arbitrary precision numbers

  Files folder image Numeral  
Author: Gordon Pettey <e-mail contact>
Convert numbers between Roman and Hindu formats

  Files folder image Numerical  
Author: Richard Munroe <e-mail contact>
Perform numerical and statistical functions

  Files folder image NumPer  
Author: Arash Moslehi <e-mail contact>
Spell numbers in the Persian idiom

  Files folder image OspamNo  
Author: Abdulrahman Muhammad <e-mail contact>
CATCHA validation spelling math expressions

  Files folder image parametric_diagram  
Author: Reza Salehi <e-mail contact>
gets x(t) and y(t) as a parametric , gets diagram.

  Files folder image Parser of Expression Grammar  
Author: Bardo <e-mail contact>
Evaluate expressions in Reverse Polish Notation

  Files folder image Pascal  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2011
Number 8
Author: Edson Melo de Souza <e-mail contact>
Generate the triangle of Pascal with given rows

  Files folder image Permissions  
Author: Keith <e-mail contact>
Manipulate user access permission using bit masks

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Calculator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2019
Number 2

Prize: 30 Days Free Access to O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform
Author: Pierre-Henry Soria <e-mail contact>
Perform calculations and get the results via AJAX

  Files folder image PHP Arithmetic Operations  
Author: Muhammad Umer Farooq <e-mail contact>
Perform calculations with values passed as strings

  1 - 20   21 - 40   41 - 60   61 - 80   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   161 - 165  
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   I   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   X   Z  

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