PHP Classes

Classes: Tools

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General purpose utilities and tools to simplify software development.

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  1 - 20   21 - 40   41 - 60   61 - 80   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   ...   280 - 288  
  Files folder image Dynamic HTML  
Author: Joshua McKenzie <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML documents programmatically

  Files folder image Dynamic PHP SDOF Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2020
Number 3
Author: Win Aung Cho <e-mail contact>
Analyse the response of a structure to earthquakes

  Files folder image ecSQL  
Author: Rikard Bartholf <e-mail contact>
A couple of classes that brings the simplicity and smoothness into the development and maintenance of a PHP site with a mySQL connection.

  Files folder image Encode And Optimize PHP  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Obfuscate and compact PHP source files

  Files folder image ENV Vars  
Author: MC Breit <e-mail contact>
Load, save and manage environment variables

  Files folder image ErrorHandler  
Author: Gyozo Papp <e-mail contact>
enhanced customizable error handler implementation

  Files folder image error_manager  
Author: Merianos Nikos <e-mail contact>
Keep track of multiple application errors

  Files folder image Evaluate  
Author: Thomas Björk <e-mail contact>
Extend the eval function to allow non-php content

  Files folder image Excel  
Author: alain samoun <e-mail contact>
Manipulate Excel files using the COM interface

  Files folder image extensive  
Author: Pablo DallOglio <e-mail contact>
// This class'goal is return a number in extensive format, english language

  Files folder image extenso  
Author: Pablo DallOglio <e-mail contact>
Essa classe tem como meta retornar um número por extenso no idioma português

  Files folder image feedback.class.php  
Author: Daniel <e-mail contact>
Allows visitors to give feedback

  Files folder image File Access  
Author: Afif Ahmad Hidayat <e-mail contact>
Perform basic file manipulation operations

  Files folder image Flash Messages  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2007
Number 4
Author: Matthias Viehweger <e-mail contact>
Set persistent messages to use in several requests

  Files folder image Form auto Generator  
Author: Devta Singh <e-mail contact>
This class builds completely an HTML Form based in a description of the fields, it's ideal to avoid writing one form any new table you have to feed.

  Files folder image Frdlweb/Webfan PHP...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2020
Number 8
Author: Till Wehowski <e-mail contact>
Create project to use the Frdlweb/Webfan framework

  Files folder image G6K  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2018
Number 6
Author: eureka2 <e-mail contact>
Generate simulator tools to perform calculations

  Files folder image Get Used Class  
Author: Engin Ypsilon <e-mail contact>
Parse PHP script to extract the namespaces it uses

  Files folder image Getopt_Util  
Author: Leandro Lucarella <e-mail contact>
Command Line Options Parsing Utility

  Files folder image gif2function.php3  
Author: Pierre Marceau <e-mail contact>
Embed those pesky little gif files right into your scripts.

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