PHP Classes

Classes of Kumar Saurabh Sinha

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Picture of Kumar Saurabh Sinha
Name: Kumar Saurabh Sinha <contact> Kumar Saurabh Sinha Google profile
Classes: 1
Country: India India
Age: 36
All time rank: 157290 in India India
Week rank: 222 Up22 in India India Up
All time users: 1874
Week users: 0
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  Files folder image Filter Class  
Filter to prevent XSS, SQL injection, CSRF attacks
This package can filter values to prevent XSS, SQL injection, CSRF security attacks.

The main class can filter one value or an array of values by stripping HTML tags, adding slashes and escaping HTML entities.

Another class can prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks by generating a secret token to be passed in forms, so it can verified later to avoid forms submitted by JavaScript code that executes automatically from other site pages.

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