PHP Classes

Classes of Marcelo Costa

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  All class groups  >  All authors  >  Classes of Marcelo Costa (9)  >  Mission progress status  >  Reputation  
Picture of Marcelo Costa
Name: Marcelo Costa <contact>
Classes: 9
Country: Brazil Brazil
Age: ???
All time rank: 35229 in Brazil Brazil
Week rank: 618 Down47 in Brazil Brazil Down
All time users: 7209
Week users: 2
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x
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  Files folder image innodb  
Access to information in MySQL innodb tables

  Files folder image Mafia Session  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2007
Number 3

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Secure user authentication encrypting password

  Files folder image OOE  
Web development application framework

  Files folder image ooeLite  
Web application development framework

  Files folder image PDO XML Grid  
Show database data as HTML table using PDO and XSL

  Files folder image PDO_EXT  
Generate XML from query results using PDO

  Files folder image PHPMafia SQL  
Database abstraction with query retrieval to XML

  Files folder image securityAuthParam  
Encrypt and verify URL parameters

  Files folder image TagTemplate  
Template processing engine based on PHP tags

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