PHP Classes

Classes of Arthur Tumanyan

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  All class groups  >  All authors  >  Classes of Arthur Tumanyan (4)  >  Mission progress status  >  Reputation  
Picture of Arthur Tumanyan
Name: Arthur Tumanyan <contact>
Classes: 4
Country: Armenia Armenia
Age: 29
All time rank: 24046 in Armenia Armenia
Week rank: 1461 Up5 in Armenia Armenia Up
All time users: 842
Week users: 0
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  Files folder image Config Storage  
Store and retrieve key-value entries in SQLite

  Files folder image Couch YAPI  
Manipulate CouchDB databases using HTTP requests

  Files folder image shagaConfigurator  
Get application options from configuration files

  Files folder image shagaTail  
Get the last lines of a file like the tail command

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