PHP Classes

Classes of Tom Reitsma

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  All class groups  >  All authors  >  Classes of Tom Reitsma (7)  >  Mission progress status  >  Reputation  
Picture of Tom Reitsma
Name: Tom Reitsma <contact>
Classes: 7
Country: The Netherlands The Netherlands
Age: 27
All time rank: 1553 in The Netherlands The Netherlands
Week rank: 197 Down8 in The Netherlands The Netherlands Down
All time users: 12178
Week users: 6
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  Files folder image Brainf*** Interpreter  
Brainf*** language interpreter

  Files folder image Listview  
Generate sortable lists of arbitrary types of data

  Files folder image Mime type handler  
Retrieve MIME type list from a configuration file

  Files folder image NZB Parser  
Parse newsgroups binary files in the NZB format

  Files folder image Socket handler  
Generic TCP/IP client using sockets

  Files folder image Web Site Ping  
Access a server to determine its response time

  Files folder image WhoIs This  
Get information about a domain with whois service

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