PHP Classes
PHP Classes

Classes of Ciaran Moore

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Name: Ciaran Moore <contact>
Classes: 5
Country: United Kingdom United Kingdom
Age: 33
All time rank: 2561115 in United Kingdom United Kingdom
Week rank: 50 Up3 in United Kingdom United Kingdom Up
All time users: 815
Week users: 6
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x
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  Files folder image PHP Automatic Language...  
Generate app translation scripts using Yandex

  Files folder image PHP Currency Converter via...  
Convert money value between currencies with Google

  Files folder image PHP Import CSV Validation  
Parse and validate imported CSV data

  Files folder image PHP MongoDB Wrapper Class  
Perform common types MongoDB database queries

  Files folder image PHP Royal Mail Barcode...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2015
Number 9
Generate checksum digits for a Royal mail postcode

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