PHP Classes
PHP Classes

Classes of Enrico Sola

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  All class groups  >  All authors  >  Classes of Enrico Sola (5)  >  Mission progress status  >  Reputation  
Name: Enrico Sola <contact>
Classes: 5
Country: Italy Italy
Age: 25
All time rank: 3438141 in Italy Italy
Week rank: 410 Up28 in Italy Italy Up
All time users: 389
Week users: 1
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  Files folder image PHP Detect Tor IP  
Detect if the current request uses the Tor network

  Files folder image PHP Email Address Validator  
Validate email addresses using checklists

  Files folder image PHP Locale Kit  
Get application locale texts from Google Translate

  Files folder image PHP Password Generator...  
Generate, analyze and create hashes of passwords

  Files folder image Tiny PHP Cache Class  
Store and retrieve data in several cache container

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