PHP Classes

Classes of Andrzej Pomian

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Picture of Andrzej Pomian
Name: Andrzej Pomian <contact>
Classes: 1
Country: Poland Poland
Age: 42
All time rank: 44413 in Poland Poland
Week rank: 220 Up3 in Poland Poland Up
All time users: 6324
Week users: 0
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  Files folder image Form Validator  
Validate values submitted via Web forms
This class is meant to provide server side validation of field values submitted via Web forms.

It can validate fields on following criteria:

- Required field
- Content ( email, digit, alpha, alpha-numeric )
- Own perl or posix regular expression
- Length ( min, max, equal )
- Only defined values ( for select, radio and checkbox )
- Forbidden values
- Field values dependecies
* Value can only exist with other field(s)
* Value must be equal to other field(s) ( ex. password verification )
* Value must exists OR/XOR other value(s)
- It handles fields named like an array ( ex. radiobox/checkbox )
- It can highlight the invalid fields ( with Smarty templates )
- It can return an array which information which fields were invalid ( with field name, or logical name )

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