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Notable PHP package: Billbee PHP API SDK

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Updated on: 2020-02-06

Posted on:

Categories: Notable Packages

Billbee is an API that can help managing the sales processes of products in many well known marketplaces.

This package can be used to access the Billbee API from PHP applications, so it can be used by the back-office part of many businesses that sell their products on those marketplaces.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.


The package Billbee PHP API SDK is one of the few PHP packages that was considered notable recently because it does something that is worth paying attention.

The basic purpose is: Manage sales in multiple sites with BillBee API

Here follows in more detail what it does:

This package can manage sales in multiple sites with BillBee API.

It can send HTTP requests to the BillBee API Web server to perform several types of operations. Currently it can:


- Get products
- Get single product
- Get categories
- Update the stock quantity of a single product
- Update the stock quantity of multiple products
- Update the stock code
- Create a product
- Patch a product
- Delete a product
- Get a list of custom field definitions
- Get a single custom field definition


- Get the terms info


- Get events


- Get the order list
- Get an single order
- Get an single order by the order number
- Get an single order by the partner
- Create an order
- Add tags to an order
- Add shipment an order
- Create a delivery note
- Create an invoice
- Send messages to customers
- Set the order tags
- Set the order state
- Patch an order
- Get invoices


- Get shipping providers
- Ship orders and create shipping labels

Web Hooks:

- Get registered web hooks
- Get a single web hook
- Get available web hook filters
- Create a web hook
- Update a web hook
- Delete all web hooks
- Delete a web hook by id
- Delete a web hook


- Get a list of customers
- Get a single customer
- Get addresses for a customer
- Get a single address for a customer
- Get all orders for a customer
- Create a customer
- Update a customer


- Get a list of cloud storages
- Get a list of layouts
- Search orders, products, customers

Notable PHP packages can be often considered innovative. If this package is also innovative, it can be nominated to the PHP Innovation Award and the author may win prizes and recognition for sharing innovative packages.

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