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Notable PHP package: PHP cURL Multiple Requests

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Updated on: 2019-10-15

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Categories: Notable Packages

Curl is a popular PHP extension that can send HTTP requests to many servers at the same time and collect all the responses after all servers handled the HTTP requests.

This class implements a solution that not only takes advantage of sending multiple HTTP requests to remote servers, but also can use a pool of proxy servers to access the remote servers, hopefully to avoid remote server throttling when that server slows down handling many requests being sent at once from the same origin IP address.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.


The package PHP cURL Multiple Requests is one of the few PHP packages that was considered notable recently because it does something that is worth paying attention.

The basic purpose is: Send several HTTP requests to the different URLs

Here follows in more detail what it does:

This class can send several HTTP requests to the different URLs.

It can take an array with a list of URLs and sends HTTP GET requests to those addresses at the same, so it can collect all the responses of the respective Web servers when they return all the responses.

The class can also send send HTTP POST requests to different URLs along with additional HTTP POST parameter values.

It can as well send requests to remote Web servers using a list of distinct Web proxies.

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