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Notable PHP package: PHP Busca CEP Correios

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Updated on: 2019-07-10

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Categories: Notable Packages

Correios is a postal service company that delivers postal mail and parcels sent or received in Brazil.

This package provides an API that can be called by applications to inquire about information of interest to be used when sending postal mail or shipping parcels using the Correios service like zip codes of cities or addresses associated to a zip code.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

The package PHP Busca CEP Correios is one of the few PHP packages that was considered notable recently because it does something that is worth paying attention.

The basic purpose is: API to search for Brazilian zip codes

Here follows in more detail what it does:

This package provides an API to search for Brazilian zip codes.

It provides an API that can perform searches for zip codes in Brazil based on the city or state, or get the location associated to a given zip code.

In Portuguese:

Este componente pode realizar pesquisas de CEP usando uma API desenvolvida com Lumen.

Ele fornece uma API que pode realizar pesquisas por códigos postais no Brasil com base na cidade ou estado ou obter o local associado a um determinado CEP.

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