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Notable PHP package: PHP ChaCha20-Poly1305

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Categories: Notable Packages

As time passes stronger encryption algorithms are being developed to make it more difficult to break even when using more powerful modern hardware devices programmed to use brute-force methods to discover sensitive information like user passwords.

This class provides a pure PHP implementation of the ChaCha20 cipher and the Poly1305 message authentication code.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

The package PHP ChaCha20-Poly1305 is one of the few PHP packages that was considered notable recently because it does something that is worth paying attention.

The basic purpose is: Encrypt and decrypt data using ChaCha20 cipher

Here follows in more detail what it does:

This class can encrypt and decrypt data using ChaCha20 cipher.

It can take a give string of data and a key so it can encrypts it with ChaCha cipher.

The class can also decrypt a previously encrypted data string using also the ChaCha20 cipher.

It may as well compute a hash using the Poly1305 message authentication code.

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