PHP Classes

Promote Your Courses for PHP Users

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Many PHP developers have create very useful courses to teach others how to program with different languages, frameworks and tools like PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, MongoDB, Laravel, Symfony, etc..

However they have difficulty to sell because they are not able to expose their courses to a large audience.

If you have one of those courses, the PHP Classes can help you to sell more of your courses. Read this message to learn how.

Loaded Article
The PHP Classes site is starting an initiative to promote all sorts of good courses for PHP users in any country language.

There will be an article to be published next week about the best courses available in other sites like Udemy among many others available on the Web.

If you have one course of interest for PHP or JavaScript developers, send a message to, or if you use WhatsApp messenger contact +55 14 99806 8179, or if you prefer using Facebook messenger go to the PHP Classes page and click on the button to send us a message here: ...

In the message you should tell what is course about if it is not yet published, or if you published it in any Web site, send us a link.

Then the site will be able to post articles in the site blog to tell other developers about your course. There will be a listing of the top best courses, as well individual posts with reviews of the course.

All you need to do now is to contact the site by email, WhatsApp or Facebook and wait while we evaluate and contact you back. Go ahead contact us now even if your course is not ready yet.

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