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Notable PHP package: PHP 7 Debug

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Categories: Notable Packages

PHP provides a hooks to handle runtime errors and exception.

By default error handlers do not provide any means to show error source code in an easy to read format.

This package can show information about errors and exception using colorizing to make it easier to read.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

The package PHP 7 Debug is one of the few PHP packages that was considered notable recently because it does something that is worth paying attention.

The basic purpose is: Handle errors and exceptions with pretty messages

Here follows in more detail what it does:

This package can handle errors and exceptions with pretty messages.

It can register PHP error handler and exception handler functions that can format and output error messages in different ways.

It can either log messages about the tracked errors to files, or display in the current page the messages prettified, or using a custom callback function.

The presentation of the prettified error messages can be customized using given theme configuration files.

Notable PHP packages can be often considered innovative. If this package is also innovative, it can be nominated to the PHP Innovation Award and the author may win prizes and recognition for sharing innovative packages.

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