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Google and Intel to Help PHP 7 to Become Faster and More Secure - Lately in PHP podcast episode 62

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Updated on: 2023-08-22

Viewers: 328

Last month viewers: 6

Categories: Lately in PHP Podcast

Recently researchers from Google and Intel have approached the PHP core developers to offer to contribute to PHP development by implementing features that will make PHP fast and more secure.

These Google and Intel researchers help offers and their first proposals was one the main topics commented by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 62 of the Lately in PHP podcast.

They also commented on a proposal for having type hinting in class variables in future PHP 7 versions, new reports that show how PHP 7 performance is improving on day by day basis, as well other PHP 7 feature proposals.

They also commented on the latest PHP tutorial articles and book reviews published in the last month.

Listen to the podcast, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript to learn more about these interesting PHP topics.

Loaded Article


Introduction (0:00)

PHP 5.4.43 and 5.5.27, PHP 5.6.11 released (1:12)

PHP 7.0.0 beta 3 (3:39)

Proposal: void and enum to become soft-reserved words in PHP 7 (5:40)

Google Researcher to Help Making PHP More Secure (7:55)

RFC: Block requests to builtin SQL functions where PHP can prove the call is vulnerable (9:04)

Detecting Security Issues with the Taint Extension (12:34)

Intel Researcher to Help Making PHP Faster (15:37)

RFC: JSON Serializable New Interface (18:20)

Discussion: Will PHP 7 have type hints for class variables? (20:27)

Monitoring PHP 7 Performance Benchmark Results (22:38)

Latest PHP Tutorial Articles (25:08)

Latest Book Reviews (33:26)

JavaScript Innovation Award Winners of May 2015 (47:08)

JavaScript Innovation Award Rankings of 2015 (53:53)

PHP Innovation Award Winners of May 2015 (57:38)

PHP Innovation Award Rankings of 2015 (1:12:25)

Conclusion (1:14:58)


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Click on the Play button to listen now.

Download Size: 491KB Listeners: 2531

Introduction music Harbour used with explicit permission from the author Danilo Ercole, from Curitiba, Brazil

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Note that the timestamps below in the transcript may not match the same positions in the video because they were based on the audio timestamps and the audio was compacted to truncate silence periods.

See the Lately in PHP podcast play list on YouTube and Subscribe to this channel there.

Unfortunately the video of the recording is not available in YouTube.

Show notes

Due to a technical problem with YouTube, this month it was not possible to extract the audio of the podcast to be transcribed. Therefore the only alternative to listen to what was said is to watch the original video of the recording included in the podcast blog post.

Please accept our apologies but this problem was caused by situation with YouTube that we do not have any control. We hope that this situation does not repeat in future episodes of the podcast.

Thank you for understanding. See you on the next episode of the podcast.

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2. Google'ized - Here Fun (2015-08-18 19:39)
Looking for a solution to replace php if..... - 1 reply
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1. Google and Intel to Help PHP 7 to Become Faster and More Secure - remo williams (2015-08-17 19:18)
307... - 0 replies
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