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How to Find the 2023 Edition of the PHP Elephant to Buy and Get It in Time as a Nice Christmas Gift for You or for Those that You Love

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Updated on: 2023-12-06

Posted on: 2023-12-06

Categories: PHP community

The 2023 edition of the PHP elePHPant just arrived in time for us to send it to you before Christmas.

This edition of the PHP elePHPant uses a blue tone more faithful to the first elePHPants sold many years ago.

Read this short article to learn how to find the 2023 edition of the PHP elePHPant so you can get it just in time for Christmas where you live, and give it as a lovely gift to those that you love.

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1. Why the PHP ElePHPant Plush Toy Would be a Great Christmas Gift for Any Developer to Receive

The ElePHPant is a creation of a talented designer, Vincent Pointier, from France. He had a brilliant idea of changing the letters of the elephant word and inserting the letter P after the letter PH, thus turning the elephant word into ElePHPant.

From then on, Vincent created the design of the ElePHPant plush toy using the elephant drawing with the PHP logo in the middle of the belly.

An elephant is a strong animal that can live 70 years on average. PHP is a programming language created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdord to simplify the generation of Web pages. In 2024, PHP will complete 30 years of age. We can say that it is an adult programming language.

The ElePHPant plush toy became a symbol of the PHP language that millions of PHP developers would love to have because PHP is the language that they love to work with and made it possible for them to have a long career as software developers of Websites and applications. Thanks to PHP, millions of developers can have lives of excellent quality.

2. What Kind of PHP ElePHPants Are Available for Sale Now

Here at the PHP Classes site, we produce and sell PHP elePHPant with the permission of Vincent Pointier.

Vincent is a person that is so kind that he granted us a license to produce and sell blue and pink elePHPants.

We have produced several batches of elePHPants. In each new batch, we try to improve aspects of the ElePHPant plush toy based on customers' requests.

2.1. The Traditional Blue 2023 Edition

This is a slight evolution of the Ligher Blue 2022 version that uses a skin tissue with a blue tone closer to the original PHP elePHPant produced around 2008.

Traditional Blue 2023 ElePHPant

2.2. The Lighter Pink Edition

This is a version of the elePHPant in a very light pink tone.

Lighter Pink 2023 ElePHPant

2.3. The Personalized Blue and Pink Editions

This is a variant of the blue and pink ElePHPants that can have a sticker made of a particular tissue suited to be applied to the belly of the elePHPant on the opposite side of the belly on which the PHP logo appears.

You can provide a picture of your logo, and we can produce a custom sticker that we can apply on the belly of a blue or pink ElePHPant.

Traditional Blue 2023 ElePHPant

Lighter pink 2022 personalized ElePHPant

2.4. Blue and Pink ElePHPant Packs

Besides the single ElePHPants, we can also ship packs of multiple blue ElePHPants, multiple pink ElePHPants, or a combination of blue and pink ElePHPants. Usually, we offer free shipping to customers that buy packs of ElePHPants.

3. How Can you Order Your PHP ElePHant Now

You can order one or more PHP ElePHPants for yourself or give them as a gift to some other developer to show your love. I am sure that not only will you love any of the ElePHPants you can order from us, but you can also get a lot of love from whoever you give these ElePHPants as gifts.

You can order any of the ElePHPant options of your choice in the PHP Classes site e-commerce section for the PHP Elephant Plush.

Remember that we have limited Blue and Pink ElePHPants in stock. Depending on where you live, it may take days or weeks to arrive to you after we ship. So if you want these elePHPants to arrive before Christmas, placing an order now or as soon as possible would be better.

4. How Can You Order a Different Kind of ElePHPant

We are flexible. So we can accept orders for ElePHPants that may be different from what you see available in the PHP Classes e-commerce section for PHP ElePHPant Plush.

4.1. Custom Quantities

If you want Blue or Pink ElePHPants in a quantity that is different from what you can see that is available for sale, you can contact us so we can add a special pack available for you to buy.

4.2. Custom ElePHPant in Different Colors Personalized with a Stiched Logo

We can also manage the production of a custom ElePHPant with colors and a stitched logo of your choice.

You will see a prototype of your custom ElePHPant before we can produce it in the quantity you order.

This is ideal if you have a company that wants to produce a large quantity of ElePHPants, for instance, to give away to customers of PHP programming schools or PHP events.

Here are samples that we managed the production for different customers:

CMGT PHP Elephant

ElePHPant preto Upinside diagonal com logo da empresa

ElePHPant preto Upinside lateral com logo do PHP

The production of this kind of ElePHPant requires special permissions and a different process that is available if you are willing to place an order with a minimum amount of units.

If you want to have more details about this option, you can contact us so we can give you a quote for the production of a batch of custom ElePHPants personalized with your logo.

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