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Package: PDO Database Abstraction Layer

The idea is to abstract PDO itself. Developers do not need to know about if the implementation uses either PDO or some other PHP database access code.

Read this article to learn more how it works.

PDO is abstracted!

Some time ago I created a PDO class. I would like to share that class with you all,  as it may come handy.

The idea is to abstract PDO itself. Developers do not need to know  if the implementation uses either PDO or some other  PHP database  access code.

Just follow the implementation in the example script. It might not look like what I have mentioned but in case your team is big it might look like that.

The supported features are :






Let’s jump into the code.


 * Values for database
 * @author Nitesh Apte
 * @copyright 2014 Nitesh Apte
 * @version 1.0
 * @license GPL Version 3.0
 * Database Connectivity Settings
define('DBHOST', 'localhost');
define('DBUSER', 'user');
define('DBPASS', 'pass');
define('DBNAME', 'databaseName');
define('DBPORT', 3306);
 * Choose Database
define('DBTYPE', 'mysql');


abstract.DBConfig.php. This class initializes the values which has to be used.

require 'DBConfig.php';
 * Initialize configuration of database
 * @author Nitesh Apte
 * @copyright 2014 Nitesh Apte
 * @version 1.0
 * @license GPL Version 3.0
abstract class DBConfig {
         * @var Database host
         * @access protected
        protected $sqlHost;
         * @var Database user
         * @access protected
        protected $sqlUser;
         * @var Database password
         * @access protected
        protected $sqlPass;
         * @var Database name
         * @access protected
        protected $sqlDB;
         * @var Database type
         * @access protected
        protected $dbType;
         * @var Database port
         * @access protected
        protected $dbport;
         * Set the configuration values for Database Connectivity
         * @param none
         * @return none
        protected function initializeConfiguration() {
                $this->dbType        = DBTYPE;
                $this->sqlHost       = HOST;
                $this->sqlUser       = USER;
                $this->sqlPass       = PASSWORD;
                $this->sqlDB         = DNAME;
                $this->dbport        = PORT;


Interface DBConfigInterface. Might help in case you have plans for DI and IOC.

 * Interface declaring the methods to implement for database interaction.
 * @author Nitesh Apte
 * @copyright 2014 Nitesh Apte
 * @version 1.0
 * @license GPL Version 3.0
interface DBConfigInterface {
         * Get the single instance of class
         * @param none
         * @return Object
        public static function getInstance();
         * Method for connecting to database
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function makeConnection();
         * Execute a sql query
         * @param String $query
         * @return Object
        public function executeSql($query);
         * Begin the transaction
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function beginTransaction();
         * Commit the transaction
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function commitTransaction();
         * Rolls back the transaction
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function rollbackTransaction();
         * Fetch associative array
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function fetchAssoc();
         * Fetch enumerated array
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function fetchArray();
         * Fetch Object instead of array
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function fetchObject();
         * Fetch the number of affected rows
         * @param none
         * @return int number of rows
        public function affectedRows();
         * Fetch the last inserted id
         * @param noe
         * @return int last row id of table
        public function lastID();
         * Fetch the ids of last entry
         * @param int $size
        public function multipleID($size);
         * Frees the database result
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function freeResult();

And here is the main class of PDO for database interaction

require 'abstract.DBConfig.php';
require 'interface.DBConfigInterface.php';
 * The main class of PDO for database interaction
 * @author Nitesh Apte
 * @copyright 2014 Nitesh Apte
 * @version 1.0
 * @license GPL Version 3.0
final class PDOManager extends DBConfig implements DBConfigInterface, Serializable {
         * Variable holding the PDOManager instance.
         * @var PDOManager
         * @access static
        private static $singleInstance;
        protected $pdoObject;
        private $prepareStatement;
         * Create the single instance of class
         * @param none
         * @return Object self::$singleInstance Instance
        public static function getInstance() {
                if(!(self::$singleInstance instanceof self)) {
                        self::$singleInstance = new self();
                return self::$singleInstance;
        private function __construct() {
         * Method for connecting to database
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function makeConnection() {
                $this->pdoObject = new PDO($this->dbType.":host=".$this->sqlHost.";dbname=".$this->sqlDB.";charset=utf8", $this->sqlUser, $this->sqlPass, array(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
         * Execute a sql query
         * @param String $query
         * @return Object
        public function executeSql($query, $parameter = array()) {
                $this->prepareStatement = $this->pdoObject->prepare($query);
                for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($parameter); $i++) {
                        $this->prepareStatement->bindParam(":x".intval($i+1), $parameter[$i]);
                return $this;
         * Begin the transaction
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function beginTransaction() {
                return $this;
         * Commit the transaction
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function commitTransaction() {
                return $this;
         * Rolls back the transaction
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function rollbackTransaction() {
                return $this;
         * Fetch associative array
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function fetchAssoc() {
                $result = $this->prepareStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                return $result;
         * Fetch enumerated array
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function fetchArray() {
                $result = $this->prepareStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
                return $result;
         * Fetch Object instead of array
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function fetchObject() {
                $result = $this->prepareStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
                return $result;
         * Fetch the number of affected rows
         * @param none
         * @return int number of rows
        public function affectedRows() {
                return $this->prepareStatement->rowCount();
         * Fetch the last inserted id
         * @param noe
         * @return int last row id of table
        public function lastID() {
                return intval($this->pdoObject->lastInsertId());
         * Fetch the ids of last entry
         * @param int $size
        public function multipleID($size) {
                $lastID = intval($this->lastID());
                for($i = $lastID;$i < ($lastID + $size);$i++) {
                        $lastIDs[] = $i;
                return $lastIDs;
         * Frees the database result
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function freeResult() {
         * (non-PHPdoc)
         * @see Serializable::serialize()
        public function serialize() {
                throw new Exception("Serialization is not supported.");
         * (non-PHPdoc)
         * @see Serializable::unserialize()
        public function unserialize($serialized) {
                throw new Exception("Serialization is not supported.");
         * Override clone method to stop cloning of the object
         * @throws Exception
        private function __clone() {
                throw new Exception("Cloning is not supported in singleton class");
         * Make connection null and void. Comment the statement if you don't want this.
         * @param none
         * @return none
        public function __destruct() {
                $this->pdoObject = null;

This is how you can use this class: class.UserProfile.php

require 'class.PDOManager.php';
 * Example class illustrating the use of PDOManager.
 * User profile acivities like login, change details, etc.
 * @author Nitesh Apte
 * @copyright 2014 Nitesh Apte
 * @version 1.0
 * @license GPL Version 3.0
class UserProfile {
        private $dataObject;
        public function __construct() {
                $this->dataObject = PDOManager::getInstance();
         * SELECT query example.
         * Method for user login.
        public function _userLogin($_userName, $_userPass) {
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM user_table, user_access_level_table WHERE user_table.user_uname = :x1 AND user_table.user_passwd = :x2";
                $result = $this->dataObject->executeSql($sql, array($_userName, $_userPass))->fetchAssoc();
                return $result;
         * INSERT query example.
         * Method for user registration
        public function _userRegister($_userName, $_userFname, $_userLname, $_userEmail, $_userPass) {
                $sql = "INSERT INTO user_table(user_uname, user_fname, user_lname, user_email, user_passwd, user_activation_code, user_join_date) VALUES (:x1, :x2, :x3, :x4, :x5, '".md5(trim($_userEmail))."' , '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())."')";          
                $result = $this->dataObject->executeSql($sql, array($_userName, $_userFname, $_userLname, $_userEmail))->affectedRows();
                return $result;        
         * UPDATE query example.
         * Method to activate user's account
        public function _userActivate($_activationCode){
                $sql = "UPDATE user_table SET user_status='Active' WHERE user_activation_code=:x1 AND user_status='Inactive'";                         
                $result = $this->dataObject->executeSql($sql, array($_activationCode))->affectedRows();
                return $result;        
         * DELETE query example.
         * Method to activate user's account
        public function _deleteUser($_userID){
                $sql = "DELETE FROM user_table WHERE user_id=:x1 AND user_status='Inactive'";                          
                $result = $this->dataObject->executeSql($sql, array($_userID))->affectedRows();
                return $result;        

So, that’ is it. You will find it useful in case working where developer does no’t need to know if the implementation uses PDO or some other database access API.

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