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How to Create Laravel Charts Tutorial using APEXCharts Library - APEXCharts Laravel Charts Library package blog

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Updated on: 2020-01-21

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Package: APEXCharts Laravel Charts Library

APEXCharts is a JavaScript library that can display charts on a Web page. It can be loaded from a CDN Web server so you do not have to include any JavaScript files in your site files to use this library.

Read this article so you can learn how to create charts from PHP applications using the Laravel framework using the APEXCharts library.


In this article you can read about:


How to Install the Larapex Package?

Rendering Charts



Sometimes applications need to display information in a user friendly way so it is easy for the user to understand the meaning of that information.

There are many libraries that can be used to render charts using PHP. Some display images generated by PHP itself. Others call APIs that return chart data via Web Services. Others use JavaScript libraries that make the charts be rendered using JavaScript code that render charts dynamically on the Web pages. APEXCharts is one of those JavaScript charts libraries.

In this short tutorial it is covered the use of the APEXCharts library to render charts in Laravel framework based PHP applications using the Larapex Charts package.

How to Install the Larapex Package?

To install the Larapex package you can simple use composer program like this:

composer require arielmejiadev/larapexcharts

Rendering Charts

To render a chart, we are going to keep it simple so. In this example I do not have to use a controller, I will return directly in the route a view file:

First I will show the most simple chart a pie chart:

Route::get('chart', function () {

$chart = LarapexChart::setTitle('Users')
  ->setDataset([User::where('id', '<=', 20)->count(), User::where('id', '>', 20)->count()])
    ->setColors(['#ffc63b', '#ff6384'])
    ->setLabels(['Published', 'No Published']);
    return view('chart', compact('chart'));

Now we need to render a chart using a blade template file like this:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport"
content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>Chart Sample</title>
{!! $chart->container() !!}
<script src="{{ $chart->cdn() }}"></script>
{{ $chart->script() }}

Now you have a Pie chart ready to render in your browser, type "yourbasepath/chart" and you are going to be able to see the pie chart render.


This package provides support to render a greater variety of charts: Line, Area, Bar, Horizantal Bar, Pie, Donut and Radialbar.

You can visit the official Larapex Documentation page to get more information about the package.

If you prefer to download this package from the PHP Classes site or install it from its composer repository, you can access the download page from here.

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